[h3]Hi everyone! We've pushed a small update that includes a variety of bug fixes and some new content. Here's what's new![/h3] [list] [*]New decorations, lights, bins, signboards and a new main zoo entrance - inspired by the upcoming sequel - Let's Build a Dungeon! [*]Improved animal keepers and poop factory workers, making them collect the closest accessible poop in an enclosure. [*]The Influencer's 'Event Report' panel can now be fast-forwarded by clicking it again on the second visit onwards. [*]When assigning animals to batteries/barns, an additional confirmation panel now pops up when players attempt to revert their changes (returns to the previous menu with B/Esc). [*]Added a new notification alert to remind players to assign idle animals to batteries/barns. [*]Animal keepers (or anyone using gates/doors) no longer get stuck when an enclosure is reshaped while waiting for the door to open. [*]Fixed selected tabs at the top of various UI panels (e.g., Animal Panel) being positioned too close to the top of the screen on higher resolutions. [*]Fixed mouseover textboxes prematurely wrapping text when hovering over categories in the build menu. [*]Adjusted font scaling in the 'Prerequisite' panel when hovering over a research tile for non-alphanumeric languages. [*]Fixed close button overlapping with mouseover tooltip boxes in menu buttons. [*]The 'Final Score' in the extended Animal Rating panel now reflects the same value as the park's animal rating. [*]The progress bar in task notifications now turns yellow when progress drops below 100%. [*]Cloned animals managed by the Exhibit Control now retain their status after loading from a save file. [*]Fixed an issue where players couldn't drag to pan around the zoo at the bottom of the screen when the build bar is open or in delete mode. [*]Fixed rendering issues for the research grid's points panel and the category filters panel at higher resolutions. [*]Fixed animal icons in the animal-management 'Pen Summary' and 'Wildlife Reintroduction' panels from becoming too small on lower resolutions. [*]Fixed the animal-management pen summary panel showing rabbits as the main animal in empty enclosures. [*]Fixed clipping issues with the buy button and the money box in the 'Order Helper' panel at higher resolutions. [*]Fixed the "+99" label overflowing in the 'Goods to Process' frame in various factory panels. [*]Added a 'carbon-emission' panel to the build menu when selecting a tree in the build menu. [*]Fixed the 'Applicant Hiring' panel showing only six applicants after hiring one out of eight. [*]Paragraph text (e.g., in Critical Choice) now scrolls upwards when the thumbstick is pushed down on controllers. [*]The Agriculture panel and its menu bar now close completely after selecting a plant for cultivation on a plot of farmland. [*]The research top-bar element no longer reminds players about unspent points when all research is unlocked. [*]Enabled the pause screen in the research grid. [*]Added sound effects when building new land. [*]Added the ability to track all shops and facilities with vacancies from the 'Manage Employee' panel. [*]Fixed alignment issues in the 'Hire Applicant' list when confirming applicants too quickly. [*]Employee resignations are now limited to three per day. [*]The 'Pooped-Out' Dino achievement no longer misfires during mid-flight when travelling between zoos. [*]The dollar panel in the top bar now flashes the correct color based on cash earned or spent. [*]Category name tooltips now appear over the selected category in the build menu when using controllers. [*]Fixed the cursor reappearing in the 'View Objects' panel after deleting an item while examining an enclosure with a controller. [*]Animal names in the create/edit job entry will now display '???' if the animal is undiscovered. [*]The 'View Objects' build panel now returns to the correct item after moving an item in the enclosure. [*]The CRISPR Building's DNA structure now resumes spinning after being moved. [*]Fixed the 'Inspect' button not working when selecting an animal from the 'Animals' panel while inspecting an enclosure with a controller. [*]Various customers (e.g., protestors and animal-welfare personnel) no longer get stuck in one location. [*]Fixed lag occurring at the start of each day in large zoos due to animal feeding. [*]Added a 'New' tag to animal icons in the 'Confirm Abort' panel in the nursery. [*]Fixed the animal-management short description panel being cut off at certain resolutions and UI scales. [*]Enclosure items in the 'View Objects' panel are now sorted. [*]Rotary icons now darken instead of becoming semi-transparent when disabled. [*]Fixed the visitor count in the top bar going negative at the end of the day. [*]After firing employees, delete mode now returns to delete mode after removing a building. [*]Exiting delete mode from rotary icons no longer opens the build menu. [*]Exiting delete mode from rotary icons no longer loses the cursor after saving. [*]The zoo gate no longer closes prematurely when the zoo is still open at night. [*]Reworked facility ratings to more accurately reflect visitor satisfaction with zoo facilities. [*]The 'Spent Points Reminder' in the research tab no longer blocks adjacent tabs when the player is viewing them. [*]Notification pins (e.g., low water alerts) no longer flicker when active. [*]Tiles unlocked via critical choices no longer repeatedly appear as new. [*]UFOs no longer spawn in other zoos after traveling via plane from the classic Zoo. [*]'New Zoo' achievements now unlock correctly with DLC zoos. [*]The 'Buy A Bus' quest can now be completed by purchasing any bus. [*]Trash collected by janitors now contributes to recycling, and janitors will empty trash at recycling centers (if any). [*]Red lobsters now have a small chance of giving birth to blue lobsters. [*]Population managers can now remove excess animals that are not managed by animal management from enclosures. [*]Facilities, incinerator, and building panels can now cycle through buildings of the same type. [*]Fixed a crash at the end of the day if the research hub was built but not examined. [*]Idle population managers now notify players if they haven't been assigned work zones. [*]Fixed Aztec arch front-facing night lights. [*]Fixed highlight selection for chew toys. [*]Fixed titles in critical choices not fitting correctly at higher resolutions. [*]You can now rename animals. [*]Fixed mascots not collecting donations after a day. [*]Fixed bus routes not unlocking when completing multiple Transport Planner quests simultaneously. [*]Fixed incinerator workers idling when there are carcasses to collect from meat processors. [*]Species info for hybrid animals now displays correctly. [*]Fixed dead bodies from animal encounters not moving with pens and crashing when loaded if outside the pen. [*]Fixed 'Report Black Market' morality points not decreasing as described. [*]Non-refundable lake tiles can now be removed in build mode. [*]The zoning view for animal management workers can now be closed when using controllers. [*]Fixed customers on left- and right-facing benches drawing in front of other objects. [*]In heatmaps, highlighted enclosures now only show the status of the currently selected employee. [*]Fixed controller selection issues in the 'Animal' panel in the 'Management Office' panel. [*]Fixed some buildings having misaligned build animations. [/list]