[h3]Hi everyone, we've just pushed a small update with a bunch of bug fixes! [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a crash when a completed animal-management cloning chamber tries to automatically summon a drone for delivery, but the CRISPR building is currently being moved [*] Fixed deleting of enclosures leaves tile rotational data, which crashes the game when factory workers paths to new structures that are placed on these un-erased rotational data [*] Fixed Aquarium Zoo crashing at the end of day 2 if the Research Hub is not built [*] Lake tiles can now be deleted in Build mode even though they are non-refundable [*] Opening the CRISPR panel no longer hangs the game on ultrawide monitors [*] Enclosures no longer build a "bridge" across lake tiles when using the "Change Type" feature [*] Fixed an issue where having too many trees in a big zoo slows the overall game performance [*] Fixed buildings and crop rendering sometimes disappearing when using the "Change Type" feature for enclosures [*] Fixed no longer able to change the time scale when the build bar is active on the controller [*] Reduced save file size regarding storeroom storing too many poop stock entries [*] Animal poop no longer spawns inside enclosure items causing them to be unreachable by default after loading from a save file [*] Fixed corrupted enclosure tile (that generates on moving of enclosures) on save file loading [*] Made gate placement more responsive for enclosures when using controllers [*] Added an 'All' option to the end of the variant collection in the create/edit job entry panel to quickly add pairs of animals for each unlocked variant onto the job list [*] Fixed D-pad navigation speed when scrolling animal management's job list and create/edit job entry panel elements [*] Animal names now display when hovering over animal entries in the create/edit job entry panel in animal management [*] Animal and variant selection in the create/edit job entry panel now returns to its last selected element every time the panel opens [*] Cursor now focuses on the 'Add' button after selecting an animal variant in create/edit job entry panel, and focuses on the 'Add New' button after creating/editing a job entry after returning back to the animal management job list when using controller [*] Added a 'flag' icon to manage the employee panel to indicate if an employee has been zoned to a pen. Added a 'flag' icon to the animal management pen summary panel to indicate if a pen is zoned to at least one employee [*] ‘Requires workers to deliver job' in the animal management job list panel now flashes as red to indicate that there are no workers available to go to the specified pen [*] Added animal-management icon when zoning exhibit control worker to display whether an enclosure pen has any animal-management jobs [*] Added 'Apply to All' feature to nursery settings [*] Fixed zoning panels from the previous zoo loaded in the animal-management employees zoning screen, only if you were zoning employees individually (not zoning employees using the heatmap) in the previous zoo [*] ‘Add Employee' icon no longer renders behind the employee zone panel in the employee zoning screen [*] Added tick to entries in the create/edit job entry panel where a job is already assigned to the current animal and variant type for the current enclosure [*] Fixed a collision issue when upgrading to a methane water pump [*] Fixed 'random-rotate' message appearing when enclosure or lake tile is selected after selecting a randomly-rotatable item in the build menu [*] Added a tutorial pop-up for building enclosures in the classic Zoo [*] Fixed an issue where recycling workers would sometimes crash the game after travelling to another zoo using the plane [/list]