Hey there everyone! Can you believe it's FINALLY TIME? You can now grab yourself our [b]DINOSAUR ISLAND DLC!![/b] We're also releasing a HUGE FREE UPDATE for Let's Build a Zoo - There's a LOT in this one for you to explore! [b]Dinosaur Island[/b] is a brand new expansion with a whole new zoo, new campaign, new creatures and more! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1903410/Lets_Build_a_Zoo_Dinosaur_Island/ [h2][u][b]HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT IN DINOSAUR ISLAND:[/b][/u][/h2] [h3][b]A Whole New Campaign![/b][/h3] Your adventures on this unexplored Dinosaur Island will be full of brand new quests, moral choices and news articles. Build a successful Zoo in this lush, fresh setting, and make meaningful choices to shape it! [h3][b]50+ New Animals[/b][/h3] With incredible fossil discoveries, over 50 new dinosaur species are now ready for you to adopt and showcase to your visitors! From Velociraptors to Sabertooths, so many favourites are available to take in, care for and splice with others! By adding dinosaurs to your zoo, you will have the ability to create more than 10 million animal variants in the sandbox mode - are you ready to make the world's first Capysaurus or Donkey-Ceratops!? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/a9b824866de53067fe4e004606f3f479e5107ef4.jpg[/img] [h3][b]7 New Enclosure Types[/b][/h3] Learn all about your new charges and build environments perfect for their needs, from dense, lush forests to craggy volcanic peaks. If you'd rather your guests could get up close and personal there are brand new all-glass panels, as well as natural brush fencing! [h3][b]Over 110 New Shops and Decorations[/b][/h3] Let your guests step into a brand new world with new themed shops, decorations, signs and pathways to bring this new breed of zoo to life! Take inspiration from your new critters and show off their wild environments throughout your zoo, from rocky paths and active volcanos to giant trees and dino-egg food shops! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/eb1e3bd2767dc0e3c01e6909ccbce6b698edc3e0.jpg[/img] This is a HUUGE expansion that the team have poured a lot of love and care into, and we genuinely hope you love playing it as much as we enjoyed making it! Don't forget to let us know in the forums and on Discord how you get on with it! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40409106/ccc0e61c6d9772ea52c88131948ea850cf4e6ae4.gif[/img] Alongside our lovely, lovely dinos, we're releasing a [b]HUGE, FREE UPDATE[/b] filled with BRAND NEW CONTENT, quality of life features and bug/crash fixes! This has been a massive effort from the team so these notes are HUGE! We'll start with the very exciting bits - [b]WHAT'S NEW AT THE ZOO[/b] [b][u][h2]HERE'S WHAT'S NEW IN OUR BIG FREE UPDATE:[/h2][/u][/b] [list] [*] [h3][b]New larger fonts![/b][/h3] These new fonts should make everything a lot easier to read. This has been highly requested and we're so excited to bring this into the game fully tested and easy to reach in the settings menu! We've upped the size of the text by default, but you'll be able to size it down as well as up in the settings menu! [*] [h3][b]Controller support![/b][/h3]Another really big feature! The team are SO proud that you'll now be able to play with a controller for MAXIMUM COMFORT! We've done extensive testing to make sure this feels just right, so we hope you can really kick back and enjoy building up your [strike]definitely evil[/strike] zoo empire! [*] [h3][b]Staff Gates! [/b][/h3]Now you can block your customers from accessing certain parts of your zoo while letting staff walk around freely. We all know you've been looking to hide your bacon factories and horrible culling pens, so we've made it a reality! You'll now be able to unlock specific gates and hide away your shame without fear of nosy guests, and keep them on track to seeing your noise fluffy animals! [*] [h3][b]Trees![/b][/h3] We have added the ability to grow and harvest trees to the game! We loved crops so much, that we needed to give you more options to apply your green thumb to. We've added Bananas, Coconuts and Apples for you to try your hand at growing! [*][h3][b]New Floor types![/b][/h3] We wanted to give you more building options, so now there are 10 more brand new floor types to pick from! You've got more options for your themes, so make sure you share your screenshots with us once you've used them all!! [*] [h3][b]Biowaste Storage/Dung Diary![/b][/h3] Keepers and the bio-waste workers will now collect your animal waste, use it as a resource or you can view your collection in a brand new building. Perhaps you never even noticed that we had a unique sprite for every animal’s droppings - now's your chance to check them all out!! [*] [h3][b]Underpainting![/b][/h3] Holding Left Alt while painting a floor, will result in it being applied to the bottom layer (underneath the edged floors) This "Underpaint" system only works with non "Edged Floors"! We noticed you all like layering your flooring, so now we've made that much easier for you all! [*] [h3][b]Carbon Neutrality![/b][/h3] While not a new feature, the Improbable meat/carbon footprint was not tracked correctly, and could not be seen in-game. After a lot of work, you can now become carbon neutral - good luck out there eco-warriors! [*] [h3][b]Commodities Stock View (Store Room)[/b][/h3] This displays all stock of products you have across your zoo - we've centralised this and made it much, much easier to see where you're at with all your stock and what needs your attention! [*] [h3][b]Commodities Record View (Store Room)[/b][/h3] This displays the usage of products, and the percentage used that was self-sustaining and meat-free, so you can plan better towards your goals and highlights where you need to make changes to become fully self-sustainable! [/list] [u][h2]QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS[/h2][/u] [list] [*] Fixed camera panning when placing a gate during the editing of a large pen. [*] Readjusted balance of commerce pricing and shops in the zoo. (Previously, it would be more profitable to sell produce in the warehouse rather than using your produce in shops) [*] Employees now walk in a line to enter your zoo at the start of a game load. [*] Added - Text to indicate that the player has insufficient money while building a pen. [*] Added - Convert to lab meat Research into Morality Bonuses. [*] Further reduced flashing effects when the option to do so is turned on in advanced settings [*] Fixed water bar showing red pixels after selecting a new enclosure. [*] Fixed estimated crop value showing $0 for most crops. [*] Fixed farmers' number of potatoes delivered not reflecting decimal places. [*] Fixed farm plots not being able to be destroyed until an ongoing helicopter animal delivery is finished. [*] Heatmap has been improved to find unassigned pens easily. [*] Player is now notified when a new transport route has opened up. [*] Players are now able to click out of the menu after clicking on add object or move objects in the pen menu. [*] Players are now able to enter into destroy mode after selecting an item. [*] Overflowing and overlapping text at the right side of the Vegetable Processing has been fixed. [*] When people come out of the subway, people's sprites seem to 'pop'. This has been visually fixed. [*] Improved player's experience by maintaining the Build Bar page they were on before building. [*] In the Research menu, players are now notified of the pre-requisite lake packs to purchase before purchasing other packs that require water. [*] Improved the camera after exiting Build mode such that it lerps back to the zoo if players moved the camera far away during Build Mode. [*] When selecting the appearance for buildings, the mouse position was slightly offset, this has been fixed. [*] Maxing out evil morality for electricity algorithm score was adjusted to make it slightly easier, but it is still an intentionally slow stat to max. 700 points = (allshops/2 + allATMs /2 + allToilets/2 + 10*factory buildings + 12*meatprocessor + 5 for architect office and 25*CRISPR) [*] Sometimes, trying to send protestors to an animal encounter would result in the option remaining available to those protestors which was confusing. [*] Morality for death, was being reset every day, making it difficult to earn enough points to max out the morality stat. [*] Cocoa plant gave an unnaturally low yield, we have increased this substantially. [*] Most crops used by shops, were giving too low a yield to make it possible to become a self-sustaining Zoo, these have been adjusted. [*] Convert To Lab Meat - research upgrade was having no visible effect. Now that the commodities can be tracked using the new UI, we discovered the issue and adjusted the balance. [*] In the heatmap view for animal keepers, it was unclear whether an employee was assigned or not unless you zoomed in far enough to see the numbers. We have changed this so that it is clear even when zoomed out. [*] When using the modify pen menu, pressing back from multiple sub-menus would fully exit, rather than going back to a previous menu. This was kind of frustrating! [*] Added small icon "V" to differentiate floors with different properties (Edges floors vs Standard floors) [*] Improved UI feedback when you do not have enough money to bribe a VIP. [*] Improved UI for zoning heat map, making it easier to view the zones and edit them. [*] Changed description text for floor tiles to clarify which ones increase the speed of customers. [*] Added the ability to destroy the main zoo. [*] Optimised save file size for some data. [*] Added mouseover feedback for pause menu sliders. [*] Changed title screen text button colours to better fit the game's colour scheme. [*] Modified balance for products used in shops from the storeroom. [/list] [u][h2]OPTIMIZATIONS[/h2][/u] [list] [*] Fixed issues to do with tile list optimization, where editing pen results in people being able to walk through pens. [*] Fixed lag when building a new item on a huge zoo. [*] Fixed lag when big brush size for floor painting. [*] Experimental Feature Tile List Optimization moved into the main game. [/list] [u][h2]Here they are... BUG AND CRASH FIXES[/h2][/u] [h3](Fasten your seatbelts, this is a biggun)[/h3] [list] [*] Localization and text fixes for overflowing text, overlapping strings, and missing text in some languages has been thoroughly addressed, across hundreds of small fixes. [*] Sort animals by variant small bug fixed which would cause them to sort out of order on rare occasions. [*] Things manufactured in records had a rounding error, this has been fixed to render the correct value. [*] Bug with Tile optimization blocking collision incorrectly has been fixed. [*] Night-Time Lighting was broken on multiple objects(Ornate Lamp, Gas Lamp, Flamingo Light, Seal Light, Lanterns, Pretzel Store, All Vending Machines) and has now been fixed. [*] Fixed lighting issue - when in Build mode at night, the grass below the zoo did not render in the correct colours. [*] The total collection values did not reflect the newly added items to the research tree, the values now align. [*] Fixed wrong texture displaying for Ice Castle. [*] When selecting Hire or Dismiss with the checkboxes, it would sometimes inadvertently return the wrong employee, resulting in hiring the wrong person. [*] Using Q & E to replace the mouse wheel did not work on multiple UI screens (for example the animal collection screen) [*] Farmer Blocked Notifications were firing due to items being inadvertently linked to the wrong enclosures. This has been fixed (however you might need to save and reload your game for this to take effect) [*] When turning on Contraception, an abortion notification would appear invalidly if an animal had died while pregnant. This has been fixed. [*] When using the journal. transitioning between pages of each entry would have a brief black flash. This has been removed. [*] When reducing the price in a store to "Break Even" and then adjusting the bar further, the text would move up and down unexpectedly. [*] Morality Score for salary was incorrectly capped, meaning you could get more positive and negative morality for the way you treat your staff than we originally intended. [*] Sometimes, when an animal grew up, the sprite would still look like a baby. This has been addressed, and all animals visually grow up at the same time that they mature. [*] When using the vegetable processor, products by type would draw the incorrect frames for seeds and dye. [*] Super Heavy class animals were being processed with an incorrect timer when a processor building only had one employee. [*] Animal Diet screen had a "How much food remaining" bar that would sometimes extend beyond the limits of the UI. [*] The eyes and tails ingredient inside the hotdog stand was incorrectly tagged as vegetarian. [*] Growing Wheat was not being recorded correctly in the financial history. [*] Zoning abattoir employees, would incorrectly show the number of zoned employees as X0, rather than the correct value. This was also the case for the Population Hub employees. [*] Blocking a zoo keeper's path while the simulation speed was set to zero, could sometimes result in a sound effect playing once per frame. [*] If you loaded a map that was measuring your pollution, and then quit and switched to another save slot, the pollution tracking would automatically start (even if the player had not unlocked this feature yet on the newly loaded map) [*] When entering camera mode, sometimes the UI would not be removed (for example the build menu) [*] On a fresh load of the game, opening the build menu straight away, would result in some of the build buttons becoming unresponsive, until you closed and opened the menu again. [*] Fixed garbage trucks not coming due to traffic. [*] Fixed wrong display of colour of + and - buttons in storeroom settings, wherein in some cases it will display both green. [*] Fixed issue after editing pen where all visitors going up to the edited pen will show the bored icon. [*] Fixed wrong previews for enrichment items when building it (some enrichment items show its preview one tile off in specific rotations). [*] Fixed triggering of the "edit item" build bar UI when clicking on a gate on an empty pen. [*] Fixed text overlaps in the animal diet page in the storeroom menu. [*] Fixed animals' thirst being satisfied upon building lakes in pen. (Lakes are not supposed to provide drinking water to animals) [*] Fixed hygiene of the pens. Previously, hygiene will sometimes not be full even if there are no poop or dead animals in the pen. [*] Fixed some bugs regarding the "Blocked zookeeper" notification popping up even if they aren't blocked. [*] Fixed "Blocked zookeeper" notification not going away even after the player has already cleared their path. [*] Fixed some bugs regarding animals' thirst being full even after deleting all linking water pumps. [*] Fixed Utilities + pollution panel text overflows in ultra-wide screens. [*] Fixed some bugs regarding employees not teleporting away when players build a pen around them, resulting in the employee being stuck in the pen. [*] Fixed zoning of farmers and crop pickers. Previously, that feature was not working. [*] Fixed Nursery births where sometimes if a baby was scheduled to be born in the Nursery during the transition from end of day to the morning, it will not be born. [*] Fixed building UI being out of position in 1920 x 1200 resolution. [*] Fixed issue of not being able to assign a zone when clicking on a water trough while editing an employee zone. [*] Fixed 'Converting All Shops to use Improbable Meat' research feature. (Previously, items were not being converted even if research upgrade was unlocked and players were producing Improbable Meat) [*] Fixed issue when building objects, camera clamp expands such that top of the map will show a black strip. [*] Heatmap - Fixed Counter for Farmer zones [*] Sandbox - Fixed Player is unable to place Lake tile onto the starting concrete pen [*] Vet - Fixed Vet's Counter for Assigned Zones [*] Sandbox - Fixed Botswana zoo overlapping in the world map panel [*] Manage Shop - Fixed Hydration in Shop Building Description [*] Enrichment - Fixed 2-tile trough duplication [*] Edit pen - Fixed loss of money while editing pen halfway [*] Manage Shop - Fixed Pricing calculation [*] FloorLamp - Fixed being able to place Floor Lamps into Animal Enclosures [*] Edit Items - Fixed deleting last enrichment object bug menu bug [*] Journal - Fixed being able to spam click Journal Button in Tutorial [*] EOW - Fixed Build Menu displaying while the EOW summary appears [*] Crispr - Fixed Displaying Critical Choice when the Cripsr slots are full [*] Fixed a flicker on the park trash bin UI [*] Fixed store man walking in and out of the meat processor repeatedly [*] Fixed not being able to delete water tile when clicking on it with the water object selected in build mode [*] Fixed customers still showing the drink/caffeine emote even with the emotes disabled in advanced settings [*] Fixed animal SFX still playing when all animals of that type are killed/donated [*] Fixed the UI for other buildable categories in build menu becoming unresponsive after an enclosure is built [*] Fixed pen objects menu arrow drawing at the wrong spot for a frame [*] Fixed view objects list UI exiting after trying to move an object instead of returning to that UI [*] Fixed camera mode still displaying build mode UI [*] Fixed anima SFX not refreshing on quit and start a new game [*] Fixed protestors messing up visitor count at the end of the day save summary [*] Fixed the red close button in the animal encounter select pen UI not responding to clicks [*] Fixed being able to be stuck in the alerts menu if there are too many alerts [*] Fixed protestors protesting against lack of enrichment even in the sandbox with immortal animals turned on [*] Fixed outer tiles of 3x3 tile brush not painting over existing tiles [*] Fixed visitors holding a balloon and not playing walking animation [*] Fixed protestors taking a long time before starting animal encounters [*] Fixed employee zoning mode not registering clicks properly on some deco tiles [*] Fixed zoom not working in pen edit shape mode [*] Fixed nutrition hut giving out notifications for 0 food purchased for $0 at the start of the day [*] Fixed icons flashing when enrichment tracking enabled. [*] Fixed drone position during animation. [*] Fixed protestors protesting enrichment when all animals are actually dead. [*] Fixed employers doing a random walk upon loading in. [*] Fixed visitors stopping at the edges of your original pen after editing your pen. [*] Fixed staff not being placed correctly into the store during a helicopter ride. [*] Fixed characters clipping when walking into the zoo entrance. [*] Fixed farmer teleporting with pens when moved. [*] Fixed painters getting stuck in gates if you move the pen. [*] Fixed storemen entering and exiting the lab nonstop. [*] Added lerps to UI when it appears and disappears. [*] Optimised menu flow for build and add objects menu. [*] Research points no longer flash when a player attempts to unlock something on the research grid without having unlocked the icons next to it. [*] Customers no longer stand in front of where a pen was after it has been moved. [*] Fixed the entry arrow alignment for Igloo Shelter. [*] Having dead CRISPR animals no longer prompts players to a ticket price increase. [*] Trash burned in the furnace is now displayed at the end of the week summary report. [*] Tweaks were made for methane collection from water pumps. [*] Fuel from methane prints has been implemented into the game. [*] Fuel now costs money and will be shown in the end of week summary report. [*] Keyboard is now supported for Zoo naming. [*] Dead animal corpses are now highlighted on mouseover. [*] Path selection cursor has been fixed. [*] Camera lerping issues have been fixed. [*] Fixed a bug where farmers and crop pickers stop planting and harvesting crops. [*] Fixed a bug where a welfare officer thinks that there are carcasses despite being on a completely new game with none and gave an F on the labrador. [*] Fixed a bug where the game crashes while rearranging zoo on paused. [*] Fixed a bug where the player is unable to exit the research screen after assigning research points during tutorial. [*] Fixed a bug where the ticket entrance becomes unclickable when there is a queue at the entrance [*] Fixed a bug where management offices were duplicatable. [*] Fixed a bug where the delete mode on a water object clears both objects and water tile or clears water objects first before the tiles. [*] Fixed a bug where some things seem to be getting in the way of the mouse while editing pen shape. [*] Fixed a bug where auto pins allow pin count to go beyond maximum amount. [*] Fixed a bug where the player is unable to click out to another pen while in the submenu for destroying a pen. [*] Fixed a bug where the cost box does not update when items are added into the pen. [*] Fixed a bug where the text displays the wrong pen number under the Zookeeper text. [*] Route 5 in the bus management screen no longer sticks out. [*] Fixed a bug where a ghost panel appears such that animals appearing at the bottom of the screen are unclickable. [*] Audio setting has been fixed to ensure that it does not become louder after being set. [*] Fixed multiple SFX from replaying over the top of each other. [*] When in "Cell Select" mode, players were not able to scroll into the forest area. This is now fixed. [*] "Apply To All" checkbox has been fixed after aborting existing babies. The abortion pop-up no longer appears. [*] Fixed a bug where farming zones in the heatmap disappear when the player deletes one of the zoned farms. [*] In the Collection menu, fixed the bug where display for Rabbits was not shown. [*] Fixed the issue where zoning farmers do not update the zone counter in real-time. [*] Occasionally, the zoo does not auto-save at the end of the day. This has been fixed. [*] Fixed the bug where linking during the creation and editing of an enclosure is affected by Subways. [*] Fixed the visual bug where zoning keeper panels were big enough to block the whole pen. [*] Using the sort button for animals in some menus occasionally does not sort properly. This has been fixed. [*] There was an issue with the "current cash" at the end-of-day popup where it seems to have been capped at a 'weird' number. The visual cap has been fixed to $9,999,999. [*] Fixed several visual bugs related to zoning employees, such as overlapping of staff icons with the pinned tasks and overlapping of a pen's boundary with the top bar. [*] Removed visual bugs such as seams on pen floors. [*] Fixed the bug with the Profit Today in Snack Vendor where the increment was not shown correctly. [*] Fixed a visual bug in the Ticket Office menu where some of the displays overlap with each other. [*] Stopped overworld SFX when you are on the research screen. [*] Fixed being able to paint floor tiles over the pen floor after placing a lake tile. [*] Default salary now reads the right values if you had the 'Apply to all' checkbox ticked [*] Fixed a bug causing the zookeeper blocked popup to wrongly appear when the storeroom entry tile overlaps the pen entry tile. [*] Improved janitor behaviour to pick up trash more efficiently. [*] Fixed a bug where the animal welfare officer occasionally will not rate any pens after being interrupted [*] Fixed text error when clicking on the Geneticist if he failed to find available slots to give you free CRISPR genomes. [*] Fixed a rare bug after switching zoos that caused the zoo to render in night mode during the day. [*] Stopped animals in the breeding nursery from breeding when there is no employee detected at the start of a new day. [*] Fixed a rare bug where the animal welfare officer would not rate a pen after an animal encounter. [*] Fixed a rare bug causing the animal welfare officer to enter the zoo later than he should, causing him to produce a report saying he has seen no animals. [*] Stopped factory processing when there are no employees. [*] Prevent employees from resigning if they are at max salary. [*] Prevent trash from being dropped at subways spots that the janitor cannot reach. [*] When paying staff severance fees, a loan panel now pops up to give players a choice to proceed with a loan or not. [*] Stopped the ticket notification from firing a warning if you had intentionally set the ticket price to free. [*] Improved enclosure building to reduce odd and indirect paths. [*] Fixed "For Sale" sign leaving behind its collision if players had placed them rotated sideways on their land and deleted them. [*] Fixed icon sprite that was slightly off for Large Blue Ball in the research grid. [*] Fixed a rare bug causing Geneticist to appear twice in a day with the wrong quests. [*] Stopped camera from moving during zone editing if you are following an animal/employee. [*] Fixed a rare bug causing farmers to harvest crops instead of the crop pickers even if you have a processing plant. [*] Fixed background flicker in journal view. [*] Fixed a bug that could cause items in the improbable factory to be sent to the warehouse, instead of the storeroom. [*] Fixed lights not moving with buildings when building at night time. [*] Fixed a bug with inaccurate UI slider collision detection. [*] Sandbox - Fixed Sandbox Softlock from going into a new game tutorial [*] Fixed crash regarding Park Staff UI. (Previously, sometimes entering that screen will crash the game) [*] Fixed crash when clicking on a pen after zoning abattoir employee right after building an abattoir. [*] Fixed crash that occurs sometimes when players build and delete pens in small successions. [*] Fixed 'Not enough food' pop up appearing the day after even if player has already built a Nutrition building with auto-order enabled. [*] Fixed a crash when sending the welfare officer to an animal encounter [*] Fixed game crashing upon clicking morality bonuses on the top bar. [*] Fixed game crashing upon clicking on the farmer's heatmap. [*] Fixed game crashing upon animal being clicked in CRISPR, and then right-clicking to return. [*] Fixed game crashing upon pressing the ticketing button in shop UI. [*] Fixed game crashing upon clicking the zone button on the population hub. [*] Fixed game crashing after the player places an animal into an empty pen. [*] Fixed the rare crash that occurs when players click on the park staff at the ticket office at the start of a brand new game. [*] Fixed the rare crash that occurs when players press the WorldMap in a Sandbox Zoo. [*] Fixed the occasional crash that happens when switching the language back to English. [*] When an insane amount of subways have been created, the game will occasionally crash. This has been fixed. [*] When moving or destroying subways after building 4-6 in a row, the game will crash. This has been fixed. [*] There was a bug where a completed quest will still show up as a notification. Fixed the crash that occurs when players click on that notification. [*] Fixed a rare crash that happens when you place a specific Lake enrichment item in a pen in Sandbox. [*] When moving a pen with protestors inside during an animal encounter, the game crashes. This has been fixed. [*] Fixed the crash that occurs when players destroy buildings that can hold more than one staff. [*] Fixed a rare crash that occurs upon loading a normal zoo. [*] The daily records were being stored indefinitely, we have trimmed this list size, which will reduce save file size, and lessen crashes during the save operation. [*] Fixed a crash where the shop UI could crash in some rare cases. [*] Fixed a crash where adding a goat to the dairy building could crash the game. [*] Fixed an issue where it was possible to crash the game when destroying a farm or enclosure if the game was in a very specific state. [*] When building a lake, it was possible to crash the game by lining the build button up with an invalid area of land. [*] In Sandbox mode, if the player pressed right on the build category arrow when they are already at the end of the list, the game would on very rare occasions crash. [*] A discord user shared a save file, where moving a CRISPR building would crash the game. This was due to an offset issue with the collision that has now been fixed. [*] The utilities panel could crash, when starting a new game if the order of the players actions did not follow our anticipated flow. [*] The critical choice that demanded you to donate chickens, was not actually taking the chickens from your zoo. [*] Slushie stands had a bug, after destroying a store, customers would still queue at the original location. [*] With Tile Optimization, the corners of pens would be missing collision until you build something else. This could result in customers and employees walking across blocked areas of the zoo. [*] Employees were using doors and entries of backwards buildings incorrectly - this resulted in the them walking the wrong way, and in some cases would result in "ZooKeeperBlocked" messages [*] Garbage was piling up in the zoo, due to a traffic issue related to the garbage trucks not being forced to the front of the vehicle queue [/list]