I put out a number of patches since release, but per my habits over the last year and a half of development I was posting patch notes on the [url=https://discord.gg/Z8hGxnM]Discord Server[/url] and kind of forgot that I can also post them here. I'll try to keep that in mind in the future :D. Anyway, here is what is new/changed: [h1]1.0.1 Changes:[/h1] [list] [*]Made the option for hitscan/projectile visuals coming from the weapon viewmodel a setting under Game Options->Weapons instead of each weapon profile. [/list] [h1]1.0.2 Changes:[/h1] [list] [*]Disabled Gameplay Debugger keybinding [*]Made "Hitscan Graphic Visible" a default weapon option as well as per-weapon. [*]Adjusted a few tooltips for clarity. [*]Hid download button for things you already have downloaded [*]Made the alternating border cut off before the Challenge icon (mainly so the download button colors wouldn't look shifted by the border). [/list] [h1]1.0.3 Changes:[/h1] [list] [*]Added new character options: -Bounce Off Walls -Air Jump Extra Control (0 = no modification to horizontal velocity when air jumping. 1 = full control set to your ground velocity based on keys held. 0.5 = half and half) -Allow Buffered Jumps (checkbox, defaults to true to act like Quake) -Forward Speed Bias (when holding two movement keys that are perpendicular to each other, allows you to bias one axis) -Landing Speed Penalty (after landing, penalize movement speed by X amount for Y seconds) -Health Regen per Second & Health Regen Delay (After X seconds of not taking damage, regen Y health per 1 second) -Health Regained on Kill [*]UI tweaks: -Renamed "Auto-Scale Zoom Sens" to "Zoom Sens Auto-Scale" in Weapon options menus -Added tooltip to the star (favorite icon) -Added Favorite Icon to end challenge score [*]Added two new Circle crosshairs [/list]