[h1][b]KOVAAK'S MAP CREATOR (KMC)[/b][/h1] [previewyoutube=oRXTkduRQsE;full][/previewyoutube] We’re extremely excited to release our in-game map editor! All existing scenarios/maps can be edited, and any changes will be saved as a new map format (.json) that will be packed into scenarios. We plan on continuing to add enhancements and features to the map editor that will tie in nicely with the scenario creation tools going forward! If you have any ideas or suggestions, please share them on our [url=https://discord.gg/kovaak]Discord[/url]! [list] [*] By default, players will see the surface (wall, floor, ceiling, and ramp) visual settings set by the map creator, but there is a new checkbox “Override Scenario Visuals” under Settings -> Visuals that allows players to always use their own Sandbox visuals, overriding any wall/floor/surface/ramp settings set by the scenario creator. [*] Maps have 8 material slots that can be applied to any surface of the map. Map authors can change the texture, tint, metallic, roughness, fullbright, and scale of each of these 8 slots, then drag/drop any of the slots to any surface of the map. [*] 27 default Props and 28 default brushes (shapes) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/fdbca148f66dfd39926f4fbc2ac41b3604c35b01.gif[/img] [*] Backward compatibility. All old maps/scenarios can use the map editor. [/list] Note: As many of our existing scenario authors are familiar with the Reflex Arena map editor, we took a similar approach for several aspects that should smooth your transition. [h1][b]DEEP LINKING[/b][/h1] Create your own KovaaK’s clickable links and share your playlists and scenarios anywhere! [h3][b]PLAYLISTS[/b][/h3] steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode= -> Followed by the Playlist Sharecode [b]Examples[/b] [list] [*] [url=steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode=KovaaKsMountingThinAttrition]steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode=KovaaKsMountingThinAttrition[/url] [*] [url=steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode=KovaaKsEntryfraggingMehFamas]steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode=KovaaKsEntryfraggingMehFamas[/url] [*] [url=steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode=KovaaKsStrafingSlipperyUfo]steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-playlist;sharecode=KovaaKsStrafingSlipperyUfo[/url] [/list] [h3][b]SCENARIOS[/b][/h3] steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name= -> Followed by the Scenario name [b]Examples[/b] (Use "%20" instead of spaces) [list] [*] [url=steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name=voxTS%20Pure]steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name=voxTS%20Pure[/url] [*] [url=steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name=Gravity%20Strafes%20a+]steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name=Gravity%20Strafes%20a+[/url] [*] [url=steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name=Houston%20Outlaws%20-%20Ground%20Tracking]steam://run/824270/?action=jump-to-scenario;name=Houston%20Outlaws%20-%20Ground%20Tracking[/url] [/list] [h2][b]VISUAL UPGRADE - AMBIENT OCCLUSION[/b][/h2] We have now introduced ambient occlusion, adding extra visual fidelity! A lot of users will enjoy the increased depth perception created by the subtle shadows. To give it a try, just set “Post-Processing” to “Low” or higher. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/aeafbd5293903a75b0981615cf9ebaa2252af084.gif[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/cfbdb4038354d6caa3b6534a1bcb7421e7bed8f3.gif[/img] [h2][b]PLAYLIST SHARECODES MADE EASIER[/b][/h2] We made it even easier to import new playlists, with a UI re-work. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/e3525ba3a725a6135da2ee1af11dbd1e801d8747.gif[/img] [h2][b]PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Restarting a scenario challenge is now faster! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/a492abc73ef731576a31b817ec0a3b4d218d2a0e.gif[/img] [*] Drastically improved time to unpack a scenario for the scenario editor. [/list] [h2][b]NEW VISUAL THEMES[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/b9dea12a6fa39a080e8c44c54c1c43baa1b22ced.gif[/img] [h2][b]NVIDIA EXPERIMENTS[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/5c26936bd05ab42da6494edc6ccf4ab5b1283601.png[/img] 3 new experiments have been added! Latency Tracking Headshot, Latency Flicking Headshot and Latency Frenzy Headshot. These experiments inject system latency and target one of three values: a baseline latency between 20-50ms, +30ms, and +60ms. The latency controller factors in your mouse, monitor, and PC performance, so changing these won’t provide lower latency! Note: This technology depends on NVIDIA Reflex. [h3][b]OTHER ENHANCEMENTS[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added "DPI" to the Main Settings tab in the sensitivity section, and also added "cm/360" and "in/360" as sensitivity scales. These new scales rely on your listed DPI being correct. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/1ac0fc42ca192a938b1c55c8018ecc596f3e5062.png[/img] [*] Added a new audio setting that makes it so that SPAWN sounds are only heard when a bot spawns outside of the player's FOV. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/07a603891f4bc11be75318ba4db55573f5731412.png[/img] [*] Adjusted NVIDIA experiments leaderboard for better readability. [*] Made it so that the Health Regen variable in Character Profiles can be set to negative values. This should make it so that decaying targets are a little easier to configure in the scenario editor. [*] Added Movement Ability feature to “Cancel Dash on >45° Collisions” to emulate behavior from some games. When enabled, an additional velocity factor variable is available to control the resulting speed after the dash is stopped. [*] Modified the Movement Based Scoring HUD widget so that it also displays MBS points and Distance Traveled points awarded. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32392098/0abcf0927fcb8123469a88921aa8cb84866a1a87.png[/img] [*] Moved Version display to the bottom left of the screen any time the game is paused. [*] Removed dates and added padding to stats graph for better readability. [*] Added a “Playlist Complete!” message on the scenario complete screen when coming to the end of a playlist. [*] Changed text for Workshop cache fetch duration to be more clear; now says “'Time Until Online Scenarios Refresh” (The setting can be found on the MAIN Settings tab). [*] Removed “Custom” sensitivity option from the in-game menus. Note that it is still possible to create your own sensitivity scales by duplicating “FovSensConfig.json” and naming it “FovSensConfigPersonal.json”, then adding your own scales to the new file. [*] Changed the Challenge Wrap-up screen default tab for offline scenarios to Score Calculation. [*] Hid NVIDIA Experiments button while in Scenario Editor. [*] Hid Stats button while in Scenario Editor. [*] Re-arranged Challenge Tab on Scenario Editor. [*] Migrated user settings from UE4’s savegame format (.sav) to .json. You can now access your user settings under "\steamapps\common\FPSAimTrainer\FPSAimTrainer\Saved\SaveGames\UserSettings.json" [/list] [h3][b]OTHER BUG-FIXES[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug wherein the returning player was not taken back to the section of the software they exited. [*] Some lighting and general map fixes for the Flick Trainer. [*] When changing FOV scale, the FOV value will now clamp to a value inside the slider's range (but you are still allowed to type numbers outside that range). [*] Fixed the Advanced Sensitivity details widget to work for all of the scales in the game. For the time being, we have disabled cm/360 and in/360 as inputs - going backwards from that to a sens value for scales as complicated as PUBG is non-trivial, but we'll get there in a later patch! [*] Fixed an issue in some maps where an invisible object blocked shots. [*] Fixed issue after game crashes where restarting the game wouldn't run with Anticheat enabled (and scores wouldn't post to the Leaderboards). [*] Fixed a bug where scenarios that lock Hipfire FOV were also locking ADS FOV. [*] Fixed an issue where bots that used multiple dodge profiles with both types of up/down movement would stop handling up/down movement correctly. [*] Fixed issue where Weapon Profiles could be saved with names that were invalid. [*] Fixed a bug where bots would stick to strafing right when they had no dodge profiles assigned to them. [*] Fixed issues where the Challenge Completion Screen showed the wrong high score. [*] Fixed how date and time are displayed with averages in stats. [*] Numerous other bug fixes, crash fixes, and performance enhancements. [/list] As always, we wouldn't be here without you, so please send us your feedback and ideas - find us @KovaaKs and on our Discord. Thanks for your support and more great stuff coming soon!