[h1]KovaaK's Major Update 3.6.0[/h1] We’re excited to release [b]KovaaK's 3.6.0 update[/b], introducing the new [b]Adaptive Training[/b] system that brings revolutionary changes to your aim training. [previewyoutube=8wVL2C6Mvn8;full][/previewyoutube] [hr][/hr] [h1]Adaptive Training Features and Settings[/h1] The [b]Adaptive Training[/b] feature dynamically adjusts the target speed and/or size based on your performance. We think this will be a strong new way to aim train with the game adapting to your skill level in real-time. [h2]Adaptive Training in Freeplay Mode[/h2] Freeplay Mode now benefits from the [b]Adaptive Training[/b] feature with expanded options for player control: [list] [*] Adjust [b]static target speed and size[/b]: Players can now customize these in the Freeplay Manager UI. [*] [b]Adaptive target speed and target size[/b]: Configurable with toggles to match your goal settings. [*] Set [b]min and max target sizes[/b] for enhanced control. [*] Pick your [b]dream goal number[/b] and [b]type[/b]: Choose between accuracy, damage efficiency, and kills per second, or let the game automatically select the most appropriate type of goal depending on the scenario you have loaded. [*] Open the [b]advanced adaptive settings[/b]: For deep customization, tweak the adjustment interval, growth rat, and the error margin. [/list] [h2]Adaptive Training in Challenge Mode[/h2] The [b]Adaptive Training[/b] extends to [b]Challenge Mode[/b], ensuring a dynamic experience that responds to your performance: [list] [*] In Challenge Mode, the system adjusts [b]target speed and/or size[/b] based on the player’s real-time accuracy, damage efficiency, or kills per second. [/list] [h2]Adaptive Training in the Scenario Editor[/h2] In the [b]Scenario Editor[/b], the [b]Adaptive Training System[/b] can be integrated into your custom scenarios: [list] [*] Set up scenarios with adaptive target speeds or sizes to dynamically respond to players' skills. [*] Incorporate adaptive elements into any custom scenario to challenge players more effectively. [*] The score automatically takes player performance into account, dividing by the average target size and multiplying by the average target speed. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h1]New Language Support and Localization Project[/h1] We’ve added more languages to the game and are continuously improving localization. If you would like to help by submitting better translations or suggestions, we invite you to visit our [b]Localization Project[/b] on [url=https://crowdin.com/project/kovaaks]Crowdin[/url]. You can also reach out to us via email at [b]contact+translation@kovaak.com[/b] or on our [Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/kovaak). The current list of available languages includes: [list] [*] Arabic [*] Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) [*] Czech [*] French [*] German [*] Hungarian [*] Indonesian [*] Italian [*] Japanese [*] Korean [*] Lithuanian [*] Polish [*] Portuguese (and Brazilian Portuguese) [*] Russian [*] Spanish (including Latin American) [*] Turkish [*] Ukrainian [/list] [hr][/hr] [h1]Bug Fixes and Improvements[/h1] This update addresses several key issues and enhances overall performance: [list] [*] The [b]Adaptive Stats HUD widget[/b] provides real-time feedback on size, speed, and accuracy. [*] [b]Advanced Sensitivity Details[/b]: Sensitivity settings have been enhanced with a tooltip for DPI and cm/inches details moved for clearer visibility. [*] [b]Health Bar Fix[/b]: Resolved the bug where the first bot’s health bar incorrectly displayed as "BotProfile." [*] [b]Playlist Description[/b]: Fixed text formatting issues—descriptions now wrap and are no longer bolded. [*] [b]Simple Aim Profiles Bug[/b]: Fixed an issue where simple aim profiles couldn’t be used with bots that shoot. [*] [b]Startup Crash[/b]: Fixed a crash that occurred on startup for some users. [*] [b]Localization[/b]: Updated client files with the latest Crowdin translations for improved language support. [*] [b]Freeplay Reset Button[/b]: Made reset button Affect Freeplay, allowing for quick resets of session stats, bot respawns, and target size/speed. [/list] [h1]Additional Enhancements[/h1] [list] [*] Widened Scenario and Profile Editor UI for better usability. [*] Added tooltips to multiple settings, including DPI sensitivity and language settings (now labeled "Language (Experimental)"). [*] "Bot Scale" multiplier added for better control during Freeplay sessions. [/list] [h3]📣Your Voice, Our Inspiration[/h3] Thank you for your continued support! As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback and suggestions. Stay tuned for more updates as we work to keep KovaaK's the best training and gaming experience possible! Join the conversation on [url=https://twitter.com/kovaaks]Twitter[/url], [url=https://discord.com/invite/kovaak]Discord[/url], and [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/FPSAimTrainer/]Reddit[/url]!