[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/33017070/a3690f55b8af0f5dccbcfd45c9c724daf41ba655.gif[/img] The mad quest to make a game for every Shakespeare play is swiftly reaching its promised end, with the first being Army of Tentacles: [b]Assault on Rainbow Unicorn Island[/b]. After that, maybe we can sleep. Two are scheduled for the end of 2024, but the majority of work on those will commence after [b]Dinosaur Cousin Squad[/b] has dropped. We don't yet know when that one will have a Store Page up, but we assume within the next few months. Both games were being prepped while Dinosaur Cousin Squad was being worked on, but DCS progress has hit a few fun new snags, so we might be able to finish before proper level clean-up is set to begin in a few months. The final two are set for early and late 2025. One is a collaboration, and the other is another new engine, new genre game..... this time: a tRPG deck builder. In layman's terms, a party based tactical RPG with a card system. We've very recently begun pre-production and asset buy on that one. Store pages for at least two of the final four adaptations will be popping up after [b]Rainbow Unicorn Island[/b] drops on the 23rd.