[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/33017070/254d264a5405a4320e7441d324c39c6ca57e0696.jpg[/img] What's this? Announcing four new products whilst recovering from surgery? Well, they aren't huge, and half of them are already in various stages of production. [h1]Three upcoming DLC-Quels![/h1] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2409020/Furry_Shakespeare_To_Date_Or_Not_To_Date_Cat_Girls_2_Prophecy_of_Convenience https://store.steampowered.com/app/2410350/Dinosaur_Shakespeare_To_Date_Or_Not_To_Date_2_Winter_of_our_Discontent We're trying to make these suckers the size of full games, but no promises. Experimenting with a DLC format allows us to take both more and safer risks with a pre-established game. We also don't have the budget for three full games at the moment, and we're currently six games away from adapting every Shakespeare play (that excludes the entirety of the Henriad, which we're trying to do as one game - nine plays as one title). DLC costs us nothing, and we had the assets lying around. Some were made specifically for the DLC-Quels, some just were gathering dust. The third DLC-Quel isn't ready to reveal yet. We were thinking we could reveal all three at once, but forgot that one still needed to be submitted to Valve for verification. [h1]New Games on the horizon![/h1] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2254860/Inexplicable_Geeks_RestoreTheMillerCut https://store.steampowered.com/app/1923530/Scarecrows_of_Illyria [b]Geeks Hashtag[/b] is a fun, quick little thing we wanted to get out for this year's SDCC. Lovingly taking aim at things like the Snyder Cut.