Hello! A new patch has been released. It addresses stability issues and incorrectly rendered menus on certain hardware, and introduces small tweaks to some levels. [i]I'm aware of freezes on old hardware, and I'm already working on fixing these as well.[/i] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Updated localizations. [*] Updated changelog release dates. [*] Changelog can now be closed by pressing ESC. [*] Repositioned one of the jump orbs in w2l8. [*] Pressing B on the gamepad in pause menu will unpause the game too. [/list] [b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a lag spike that occurred when sticking to sticky polygons. [*] Fixed being able to go out of bounds in w2l19. [*] Fixed most menus appearing incorrectly on other common resolutions. [*] Fixed world buttons sometimes not getting pressed. [/list]