Hey everyone, another week, another update. You might've noticed we didn't push an update out last Friday and that's because we're moving the weekly updates to Wednesday (NZST) - for a couple of reasons. It gives us Thursday/Friday to be in the office to fix issues that may arise, but also so it doesn't eat into the team's time with their families over weekends etc. With that out of the way, let's tuck in: [b]Encumbrance UI improvements:[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42822923/111727e1adb41ed8b7cb56d821a89ba9ffffbe36.png[/img] As requested by the community, a UI element showing your current weight will appear on screen once you've amassed up to 75% of your current carrying capacity. It will remain present on screen once you're in the final 10% of your carrying weight before reaching the encumbered state. When encumbered you risk dropping your items whenever you're hit, so be sure to pawn some stuff off if you don't need it! Players have been asking for ways to increase carrying capacity, and we're happy to confirm this will be coming in Chapter One, as well as player driven upgrades for other systems and features. [b]New Item: Balloon Gun[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42822923/2ec11102544e3c1da3fdd06faa23797e615cce89.png[/img] You ever just wish you could send someone flying away? You can do that now. By aiming at any person, object, or vehicle, you can fire and attach balloons and give 'em a scenic view of Rockhaven as they drift skyward. Try shooting the gun at your own feet for an airborne traversal method, or attach some to a cargo container and fly through the skies on your own personal platform. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42822923/8590ea9dda15ff1e737ee62db70b44ffee669d3d.gif[/img] The Balloon Gun, like the trampoline and Gorb before it is a continued effort by the team to "add more toys to the toybox" which we can utilise in future mission design, and allows for the community to come up with weird ways to interact with Rockhaven and its citizens. You can find the Balloon Gun at Party Palace street vendors. [b]New Mission: Home Sweet Home[/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42822923/e065a9c891f56a809bf550f3ea0418aaf789b62c.png[/img] Spud's got another job for you, this time it's cleaning out them fancy know-it-alls from Green Island. Find him by completing Spuds first mission: "Stop the Yappin" [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42822923/204ff599fe417cdfda045f1a47eeb6a5e5cd0b77.gif[/img] [i]Shoot at your own feet for a run ride in the sky[/i] [b]Other Fixes: [/b] - New suite of sounds and particles for the "Gorb" item. - Small UI improvements for ATM interface. - Fixed Oxen Mulcher not having a distant mesh. - Fixed street vendors requiring two hits to become hostile. - Altered weapon swap text to be more clear. - Made CrookBook reward track infinite, rather than capping at 1000 likes. - Disabled player abilities and interaction when a game event is running. - Fixed various weapons weighing more than 0. - Fixed nicotine rush perk not correctly calculating attack bonus. As always, let us know if anything breaks and we'll get it patched up. Have a good week, everyone!