Hot Fix 1 has gone live. Please verify files on Steam to ensure you get it. Additionally, please make sure you have the latest drivers for your GPU. [list] [*] Added a loading screen to reassure and confirm that single player offline sessions are being created and loaded. In the previous version this would appear as if the game was hanging (when it was instead loading), causing some to think the game wasn't playable offline. We apologize for the confusion here. [*] Improved LOD performance, draw calls, vram usage, ram usage, and cpu performance. This should be dramatically noticable on lower end hardware, and hopefully appreciable on more modern systems - however we know there's more to be done here, and tailored work will need to be done as we investigate reports from people with varying hardware. [*] Fixed the VRAM error causing the game to crash on some PC's, Steam Decks and ROG Allys. [*] Please ensure you play with AI/Vehicle Density, as well as the quality of distant buildings options to find a happy medium for your machine. Also, if Nanite being enabled produces visual oddities, we've found moving to the latest GPU drivers or restarting the game should rectify these immediately. [/list] Please, keep sending us the issues you're having, our discord is the best way. We understand most will be the game is running poorly for you and you'll want to leave it at that, but if you can provide some additional information, such as location in the city, the activity, whether it's a MP session or your hardware spec, that'll help us isolate bad stuff and prioritize fixes. Our apologies to those who wanted the game to run a heck of a lot better. We're going to keep chipping away at this.