[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36287417/913f646a3366a9b2484e522bea6f090a2236a708.png[/img] Good day, brothers and sisters! We’re happy to be here one more time to announce that the content we’ve been testing in the Alpha branch is now available in the main version of Immortal Life. As you may know, it means that all the new features should be now working as expected, so we hope you have a great time enjoying them. Just in case you couldn’t read the latest installment of our Sunset Inn Messageboard, here’s the main list of changes you’ll find in version v0.5.00: [h2]New Content[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36287417/95229d42fd6aa2d6ec55269c9216a0480943bfcd.png[/img] [list] [*] New story quests added for Song Yantong. Now you even can ask her to join your clan! [*] New Pet System. In this first version of the Pet System, you’ll be able to adopt a fox cub. If you take care of this little guy and let it evolve, the foxy will unlock new abilities to help you out! [*] New Bee raising system. You can now start raising bees and flowers for making honey! More dishes and features based on honey will be added to our game in the future. [*] New Silkworm raising system, which includes a facility to take care of them to get silk and make new clothes! [*] New recipes for dishes made with honey. [*] New map Deep in Sunset Forest added. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixed[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36287417/6d5f5df514f452243fc48a0801a92d56654ae37c.jpg[/img] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that makes you can’t get your reward in the quest of Li Mengqing. If you don’t get the reward, you should get it now automatically. [*] Fixed a bug that makes the volume slider couldn’t adjust the music of Yuhua Mystic Realm. [/list] [h2]Optimization based on players’ feedback[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that makes you can’t get the Deer Decoration Design and the Guqin –an accessory- after completing certain quests. If you don’t get the reward, you should get them now automatically. [*] Add a map for Sunset Forest. [*] Optimized the map of Ferry Stop. [/list] [h2]Optimization[/h2] [list] [*] Optimized the English Localization with the support of our community. [*] Optimized the Collection Manual. [/list] One more time, thank you everybody for keep believing in the magical world of Immortal Life and its bright future as the only farming sim inspired by Chinese Taoist mythology. We owe you so much in this regard! Remember that we’re open to hearing your thoughts and those suggestions that might increase the quality of the final game, so don’t hesitate to leave your comment on Steam or join 2P Games’ Discord server today. We’ll be gladly waiting for you!