[h2]Bug Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that makes special crops don’t count in the collection manual [*] Fixed a bug that makes the beehive boxes don’t make any progress [*] Fixed a bug that makes you can’t collect honey from the beehive boxes [*] Fixed a bug that makes you could archive the building even if you don’t have space in your bag [*] Fixed a bug that would crash the game when entering the Silkworm House [*] Fixed a bug that would crash the game when you collect herb [*] Fixed a bug that makes you could talk to Fox after you complete the quest line of Song Yantong [*] Fixed a bug around the quality of the honey [*] Localization Update [/list] [h2]Optimization[/h2] [list] [*] Add Map for Sunset Forest [*] More Icons added [*] Making Beehive boxes can’t be archive when bee are working for honey [/list]