[h2]CHANGES[/h2] - Anth of Thorn has had their real skill tree restored (by mistake, most of it was replaced by Dani the Free's tree for release) - Putting the game into windowed mode at the monitors max resolution now removes 75 vertical pixels instead of 40 - Names of Delirium heroes are now drawn at a smaller scale in the lexicon - Unique buildings in lexicon are now drawn differently - Modded faction lexicon descriptions now work like canon faction lexicon descriptions - Modded factions no longer display their missing town screen or buildings in the lexicon - Realigned the resources in the top left resource bar - Loading an old map now alerts the user that it's being converted to a newer version of the map [h2]AVATAR SPECIFIC FIXES[/h2] - Avatars now transfer spells, stat buffs and skills learnt via Guild of Mages etc to the hero correctly - This should also work with other town-based buffs such as Sky Pillar, Hostler, etc. - Units gained via Treasure Chests, Wishes or Ruins no longer transfer from avatar to hero - Spells gained via Beacons now transfer to the hero - Interacting with the docks now works correctly with Avatars [h2]BUG FIXES[/h2] - Fixed a bug causing a crash when trying to sell an artifact and playing a non-English version of the game - Fixed a bug causing faction mods to change what units were created from Allure and other canon units - Fixing a bug making the displayed cost of upgrading a unit different when in town garrison compared to on visiting hero - Fixing the display cost and actual cost of upgrading units being slightly different because of rounding differences when upgrading many cheap units - Fixing tooltips of town buildings displaying when your mouse is hovering over UI buttons just beneath them - Fixing a bug that could happen when several caravans moved across the map at once - Fixing a bug that would crash the game when hovering over the "sell artifact" button without an artifact in English - Fixed a bug with Decay faction backwards compatibility - Fixed a bug with mercenary hall backwards compatibility - Reduced / fixed a bug that led to save corruption