[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41623783/7ecfb07dad06e6b9cae5b2e3fa6b928fcd0b021f.jpg[/img] Hello new recruits, Thanks tremendously for your feedback and support regarding Have a Nice Death Early Access release! This 2nd patch makes several fixes based on initial reporting issues following the beginning of the early access this week. [list] [*] Insights will stack if the player unlocks multiple descriptions at the same time. [*] [Fixed] Players could fall indefinitely before being fully loaded. Levels took too much time to load. [*] [Fixed] “Mana Junkie Pitbook” & “Enchanted Cannon” curses made the player do too much dommage (to infinity and beyond). [*] [Fixed] In some cases a controller is not usable. [*] [Fixed] Issues with control remapping system for keyboard and mouse. [*] [Fixed] Save was reset when the steam cloud save was disabled. [/list]