A Note From Simon #3
Author: Gearbox Publishing,
published 2 years ago,
Hello recruits,
We hope you're having a great summer! In Montpellier, we were hit by the heat wave and were dancing to summon rain but a FLOOD came over...
It seems that you've been enjoying the Fast Food Update.
We tried to answer some of your feedback such as more endgame content or side worlds.
[*] We know a lot of you were surprised initially with the condition to access some world (especially the new one) but it wasn't fair enough and following your comments, we did a quick hotfix to remove those conditions. For now, this system will stay like that but we might change it in the future (don't worry, we won't create frustrating conditions).
[*] In Level Design, we added more variety with the traps inside the Toxic Food-Processing Department and we're thinking about adding more of this gameplay element in other departments.
Now for the main subject, what does the future hold for our dear CEO, Death?
For the next update, there are many subjects that we are working on.
The biggest one will be a lot of reworked FRENZY attacks for various weapons: we'd like to make them feel way more powerful and useful.
For now, we have reworked almost 20 of them and some have changed drastically. For example MORDICINE frenzy will now give you UNLIMITED DASH for the duration of the buff. We want all weapons to feel situational to enable specific builds.
Next, we want to improve more stuff in the UI to give you more information for beginner player and how certain weapons works.
Even if for now, we have good feedback about controls and combat, we'd like to improve this more. We want our game to feel perfect to control and have a real satisfying rewarding feeling by killing enemies.
Of course, this is not all. We are working on more stuff and I might have dropped some hint in this text about the next boss.
Thank you for playing HAVE A NICE DEATH.
Talk to you soon,