[list] [*] UX Indicating Byte Adder Chip to unlock Bonus levels; [*] FIX Assignable twice a keybinding in some cases; [*] FIX Not registering ESC character on terminals; [*] FIX Crash at the end of chapter one when leaving the terminal before the end; [*] FIX Crash handling when save fails; [*] FIX Banning permanent keys (ex: OemEnlw for IME with Japanese input). [*] FIX Gimbal anti lock wrong settings when out the editor looking down; [*] MI Indicating banned keys in settings (for ref); [*] MI Interact bindable; UX New Next/Previous Slots keybindings; [*] GRD NOR Gate truth table order to favor same layout as NAND; [*] GRD NOR 4mos gets Reduced++; [*] GRD Graphs takes only 50% best submissions in at least one metrics; [*] GRD Discarding 5% worst outliners; [*] HX Help section for optimising metrics; [/list]