Version 0.40.1 (Combat Update) of Goblin Camp has been released. [h2]Feature highlights[/h2] [list] [*] Shambling Grave-folk. The dead have risen and they are here to wreck your village! [img][/img] [*] Human Vandal: Nearby humans are unhappy with your settlement and they are here to do something about it! [img][/img] [*] Ranged combat: You can equip your guards with spear-throwers (remember to also make throwing spears!) [img][/img] [*] Wooden Watchtower: Post guard goblins in watchtower and equip them with spear-throwers, they'll be able to hit far away targets from such an advantageous location. [img][/img] [*] Armor and shields. You can now assign armor and shields to your guard goblins, helping them survive longer against the new enemies. [img][/img] [*] Nettle Yard: A new building where goblins process nettles into useful components. [img][/img] [*] Tutorials: We've added a set of basic tutorials that explain the fundamentals of the game. This should make it much easier to understand what is going on. [*] Military draft. You can now quickly draft military goblins via the Jobs menu. Drafted goblins will use whatever they can find as weapons, so they are useful for emergencies but guard posts are still the way to handle proper defences. [*] Scuttlebutts: Build scuttlebutts to provide drinking water to goblins. They will be filled when needed, and can be filled by rainwater. [img][/img] [*] Wooden stakes now cause damage to enemies that step on them. [*] Peaceful mode, for when you want to focus on building and not fighting. [/list] [h2]Notable changes[/h2] [list] [*] Improved structure tier button graphics. [*] Show size of slash and burn area when placing it. [*] Added demolish and combat sfx. [*] Increased väki cost of summon goblins, substantially increased variance in how many goblins are summoned. [*] Foliage toggle added to view menu. Makes it much easier to see what is going on in the middle of the forest. [*] View settings no longer reset when closing the view menu. [*] Increased max height of Raise Earth. [*] Raise/Lower Earth can no longer change ground height for tiles that have deep water. [*] Retry tilling and planting as needed to ensure farm plots are fully tilled and planted. [*] Adjust rye planting time and growth time to make rye farming a bit easier. [*] Deathfolk now continue migrating northwards. [*] Raven statues' fog clearing radius incrases the higher the statue is built. [*] Sacrifice culture spread increased. [*] Clicking top bar numbers now open the relevant menus. [*] New goblin names. [*] Dig jobs are no longer scheduled for ground already at the target height. [*] Items laying on the ground now react to height changes. [*] Flooding water now affects items in stockpiles. [*] Storagehouses now have a visual indicator for when they are full. [*] When storing items prefer the nearest available storage. [*] Items can no longer infinitely stack in workshops. Overflowing items will spread to the ground around the workshop. [*] Added 'Restore Defaults', 'Forbid All' and 'Remove Forbidden' buttons to storage settings to make it easier to handle storage rules. [*] New game settings. Players can now select which terrain features and events will be present in a new game. [*] New item discoveries are announced in the log. [*] Added spearfishing animation. [*] Item decay time is displayed in the item popup. [*] Väki is capped at 20. [*] Fish traps contribute to food estimates. [*] Pathfinding cost of forest-cover increased, goblins should be less likely to move into the fog now. [*] Hungry cranes are better at finding farm plots now. [*] Guards are now alerted to wild animals eating crops. [*] Guards remain guards even if their post is destroyed for as long as enemies remain. [*] Repair jobs are generated for damaged buildings, but only when the danger has passed. [*] Higher tier workshops now give work speed bonuses. [*] Goblins gain Battle xp from combat. [*] New traits for slaying enemies: Wolfsbane, crane-slayer, zombie-slayer and human-slayer. [*] New combat traits: Veteran and Scarred. [*] Farms now produce more items with lower nutrition per item, which are then automatically combined into larger nutrition items. This aligns item generation with fertility so that it works even for low nutrition fields, while keeping hauling jobs in check so that goblins don't spend too much time carrying individual items. [*] Items now longer need to be removed from farm plots, it generated too much busy work. [*] Items now decay at different rates depending on how they are stored. [*] When finding items for crafting and construction, prioritize items stored nearby. [*] Added spear combat animations. [*] Decreased sacrifical tree bonuses so that it doesn't trivialize technology discovery. [*] Base movement speed slightly lowered. [*] Allow modifying storage settings of unbuilt structures. [*] Show number of carried items when carrying multiple copies of the same kind of item. [*] Added death animation to cranes. [*] Added sounds to most events. [*] Fish traps can only fit one fish at a time. [*] Added harvest shortcut key. By default pressing 'H' when flora is selected will mark it for harvest. [*] Enemies now have the 'enemy' keyword so that they stand out better in the forest. [*] Moving items out of the way of construction is now separate from other hauling jobs, its default priority is equal to construction work. [*] Improved ground coloring and variation. [*] Destroyed buildings now have visual effects. [*] Mobs in combat now steer towards enemies when near instead of pathfinding. Fixes mobs tending to clump up on the same tile during combat. [*] Wild rye and wild flax can grow. [*] Fishing value raised to 100. [*] Message log can be maximized. [*] Seasonal coloring of flora adjusted. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Stop cancel order from destroying farm plots. [*] Fix slash and burn not being selected when pressing Enter in the buildings menu. [*] Fix watersplash vfx not always displaying. [*] Fix cases where single flora could be left uncleared in swiddens. [*] Fix situations where palisades would be incorrectly marked as unreachable. [*] Fix item tooltip getting stuck visible if inspecting building production. [*] Fix entrance indicators lingering after a structure was demolished. [*] Fix dig window state sometimes being wrong after closing and reopening. [*] Reset rain intensity when loading a game. [*] Wolves no longer all attempt to eat the same corpse. [*] Fix weeds not being affected by seasons. [*] Fix crops not being harvested if weeds had not been cleared. [*] Fix failure to sow seeds if the last tile to be tilled had cosmetic flora. [*] Dying enemies are no longer targeted for attacks. [*] Fix crash that could occur if multiple fish traps triggered simultaenously. [*] Limit the number of simultaneous identical sfx that can be played. [*] Mob detail windows are no longer left lingering after focus has changed. [*] Fix crash that could trigger when ravenous birds left the map. [*] Prevent extreme rotations when fighting enemies at different heights. [*] Fix forest-cover not restoring correctly when raven statues were destroyed. [*] Fix incorrect spawn location selection in certain cases. [*] Prevent bonfires from burning completely before all sacrificial items were burnt. [*] Fix crash that could occur when a structure changed state while on fire. [*] Dying interrupts eating. [*] Professional goblins no longer try to idle near destroyed workshops. [*] Goblins hauling logs now drop the log if in danger. [*] Fixed goblins trying to repeatedly pathfind to a burning kitchen. [*] Fish traps out of water no longer catch fish. [*] Unbuilt floodgates no longer affect water flow. [/list]