Version 0.38.0 of the Goblin Camp demo has been released. [h2]Feature highlights[/h2] [list] [*] The Sacrificial Tree: Your shaman can now summon the Sacrificial Tree from the underworld. The tree becomes the new center of your camp and will spread goblin culture to nearby tiles. It gives camp-wide bonuses to research and väki, and can be leveled up by sacrificing items in bonfires. [img][/img] [*] Bonfires: The spirits of nature will demand sacrifices according to how much you take from nature. Build bonfires to sacrifice items to appease the spirits and grow your sacrificial tree, or risk suffering the spirits' revenge. [img][/img] [*] Culture: As you sacrifice more items in bonfires, the total culture of your camp increases. Goblin culture also spreads from your gateway rock and sacrificial tree, slowly converting the land to be more suitable for goblins and removes forest-cover. In future versions we will also have culture slowly transform the surrounding forest. [*] New spells: [list] [*] Start fire [img][/img] [*] Summon water [*] Summon goblins [*] Raise earth [*] Lower earth [img][/img] [/list] [*] Rye: You can find rye seeds in ruins or wild rye growing near ruins. With the seeds you can plant rye fields, harvest the rye sheafs and bring them to a thresher to collect the seeds. The seeds in turn can be milled into flour, and the resulting flour can be used to bake rye bread at a baker. [img][/img] [/list] [h2]Notable changes[/h2] [list] [*] Turnip plots now produce single turnip items instead of accumulating turnip bunches. It could be confusing for a player to see goblins harvest turnips but have no turnip items appear, even though the food points were being tracked correctly. Instead, each turnip plant produces one turnip at a minimum, depending on soil fertility. Single turnips have less nutrition than turnip bunches but farm plots still produce the same total value of nutrition. [*] New ruin types. You can find rusty tools, more dwarven trinkets and rye seeds in ruins now. [*] Show soil type overlay when placing a clay pit to make it easier to find clay [*] Clay pits have an open edge now to make it easier to deal with flooding. [*] Show info box when placing a building that describes any problem with the current placement. [*] Most buildings no longer have a "yard" in front. This allows the player to build duckboards all the way to the door, and will make room for further customization by the player. [*] Active spirits are tracked. [*] New duckboard graphics. [*] Fishing related messages have been removed from the log. [*] Most events are announced in the log now to give the player better visibility into what is going on around the camp. [*] Individual maintenance requirements for buildings. In effect smaller buildings such as duckboards and fences now require less maintenance than before. [*] Storage job priority now depends on item type. Storing food, weapons and tools is higher priority than regular materials. [*] Kitchen fires are no longer kept lit during eating, reduces the chance of uncontrolled fires during meal time. [*] Putting out fires is now a higher priority job than eating. [*] Ruins exploration can now be cancelled. [*] The cancel order command now cancels unbuilt structures as well. [*] Demolishing an unbuilt structure immediately removes the construction site. [*] Demolish jobs can be cancelled. [*] Most structures give a substantial amount of their building materials back when demolished. [*] A new group of goblins will now often arrive during the first autumn. [*] More ruins are placed on the map. [*] Display radius of forest-cover removal for raven statues when placing. [*] Sow fields jobs get cancelled if the planting time is too far past. [*] Fishing efficiency is increased to reduce the number of fisher-goblin's shacks required to feed a camp. [*] Gateway rock glow is disabled if the rock is blocked. [*] Default to 50% of turnips harvested for new farm plots, it's a more suitable default for low seed amounts. [*] Hazelnuts can be harvested for nutrition. [*] Fires affect items in stockpiles. [*] Windheads grab items from stockpiles. [*] Windheads cause damage to buildings. [*] Critical attacks now always cause damage. [*] Frightened goblins now run away and eventually stay put in terror. [*] Wolf combat values have been tweaked. [*] Goblins who are no longer lost in forest-cover now continue their original jobs faster. [*] Added a bit of variance to how goblins select water sources to reduce chances of overcrowding riverbanks. [*] Rye bread eventually becomes stale bread if left uneaten. [*] Added notification to indicate the location of the nearest ruins. [*] Added kantele strumming animtion for the shaman. [*] Display a popup that lists what items were found when ruins were explored. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fix crash if a kitchen is destroyed during cooking. [*] Fix crash if a structure is destroyed with mobs inside. [*] Keybinds now get saved when resetting to defaults. [*] Fixed the chosen AA quality setting was not always being displayed correctly in settings. [*] Goblins cancel ruins exploration if they get lost in the forest, instead of getting stuck in a loop of getting lost and retrying exploration. [*] Fix goblins getting stuck in doorways to storages in certain situations. [*] Goblins no longer attack ethereal creatures. [*] Fix crash in specific situations where items were flung out of farm plots. [*] Fix double failures in specific movement situations that could lead to invalid job states. [*] Fix goblins attempting to eat in destroyed kitchens. [*] Fix goblins that could get stuck trying to fetch a bucket from an inaccessible area. [*] Fix deathfolk that could get stuck inside buildings. [*] Fix flickering "missing workshop" notification. [*] Fix a few flora that would spawn at 0 scale. [/list]