Hello Survival Typists! As a sign of our commitment to releasing updates for this game, here's the first patch for the Glyphica demo. These patches will come as needed, but over time we want to have a regularly scheduled major update alongside these smaller patches so that you all have something to look forward to as the game develops. [h2]Flow Improvements[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44862715/2be8d093b4858889848568bb73f1bbd560606535.gif[/img] There is a changelog below, but the biggest changes are that you can now level up when you like by pressing the spacebar or right stick down on the controller. It's a small quality of life feature but really helps the game flow better and make you feel like you are in control. In addition to that, you can now pause the game by pressing escape or the menu button on the controller, so you can take a break and rest your hands when you are at level 50 (which if you've reached it, is much higher than I ever have.) [h2]Japanese Localization Experiment[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44862715/637fb7670c7a6a8f9798a6a38f21e25ccf14ec99.gif[/img] In addition to that, we have also experimented with adding Japanese localization. Localization is trickier than you might expect for the game, as the design of the game gives you weapons that are only triggered by certain letters. This has to be balanced very well for the game to maintain its design integrity. We have found a workaround using romaji that we hope will be acceptable to Japanese players. If so, then we may end up using this system for other non-roman alphabet languages. Version: v2024.04.26.001-ALPHA Bugfixes --------- - Fixed Tesla Mines not doing damage or targeting enemies within range. - Fixed bug where typing the wrong word in upgrade/loot menu sometimes unpauses the game in the background. - Fixed "Precision" loot item giving 20% crit chance instead of 2% like stated in description. - Fixed crash due to negative weights when randomizing loot. - Fixed crash due to log file prevented from being saved by antivirus software or similar. - Fixed icon of Blade Trap not reflecting actual Blade Trap. Balancing ---------- - Added adaptive difficulty to provide a bit more challenge to better players. - Nerfed Hunter duration upgrades from 20% to 10%. - Nerfed Spectre damage upgrades from 20% to 15%. - Nerfed Spectre duration upgrades from 20% to 10%. - Removed double word in early game, now they only start spawning if you pick an upgrade that adds double word chance. - Make longer word chance force 8-character words instead of just increasing word length by 2. New Features -------------- - Added Japanese localization and wordlist (experimental) - Level up is now triggered by spacebar / right-stick-down so as not to disrupt typing flow. - Added windowed / fullscreen option. - If enemy is destroyed while typing its word, the word will remain until it is completed or there is a mistype. Weapons will trigger on word complete normally. - Added pause menu. - Escape key now also closes weapon details panel. - Hide words when game is paused to prevent abuse.