Hello Survival Typists! We hope you’re all enjoying your summer vacations and steam summer sale bargains! It’s been a while since we last updated you, so we wanted to share what is in store for Glyphica. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44862715/170709a9e2076fe083f969b5ab9473d47fcce350.gif[/img] But first, we’re so excited to announce that we have more than 30,000 wishlists already! Thanks so much to everyone who has wishlisted the game. We know that you are all excited to know what is happening next, so lets get right into it! [h2]Demo Updates[/h2] First of all, we have decided that we will keep the demo up for the foreseeable future. The demo has been a great way to show off the potential of the game and convince people to wishlist it, so we want to keep it available to download for now. However, maintaining a demo at the same time as working on additions to the release version of the game is taking its toll on our lead dev XM. So from this point forward, while the demo will still be occasionally patched with bug fixes, there will no longer be new content and mechanics added to it. Those additions will instead be added to our Early Access Release! [h2]Early Access Roadmap[/h2] That’s right, Glyphica will soon be coming to Early Access! We want to keep the date under wraps for know so that we can make a bit of a marketing splash around it, but we can talk about the things that we are currently adding to the game to expand on what is currently in the demo: [h2]Weapon Evolution[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44862715/b0470c8d168987be4271eb97a5aba1bff4c1081f.gif[/img] Weapons now evolve into more powerful versions of themselves when you use them to destroy more enemies. You get to pick from two options every Evolution, with each path differentiated and becoming more extreme the further down the evolutionary ladd. For example, the Repeater can evolve to have its projectiles ricochet off its first target to hit three other enemies. [h2]Mission Mode[/h2] While we will maintain the current endless mode, we are planning to make the Glyphica experience more self contained with pacing similar to other roguelites. Mission mode will consist of a run of roughly 7 tiers with 5 missions in each tier. You’ll be able to buy some loot in between tiers, but most importantly you will be able to save your game, so you can take some well needed breaks if you need to. [h2]Better Augmentations[/h2] We’re reworking the Augmentations to have more significant upgrades that change how you play Glyphica. More Augments will become available in a skill-tree format over time as you unlock them via challenges. [h2]More Main Turrets and Weapons[/h2] A larger variety of weapons will be available in-game and the damage types have been expanded to include Cold, Heat, Electric and Chemical weapons, each with their unique status effects and characteristics. Additional Main Turrets like the Heat Ray and Barrage (both of which have been hinted at in the main menu of the demo) can be unlocked via challenges and playtime. [h2]Player status effects[/h2] We have some really incredible players in our discord server already, playing for incredible amounts of time. So obviously we need to make things a little trickier for them by adding status effects that increase the challenge of late game. We will add effects like: [list] [*] Taking damage from mistypes [*] Words being hidden until they are closer to you [*]much, much more! [/list] We believe these additions will make the game a much more complete experience for our Early Access supporters, and it will be a solid base for us to create more content on top of that. Thanks so much for all the support so far everyone! We are working hard to make a successful release out of Glyphica, and we’ll be back with more updates for you soon!