[h3][i]Bringing the prologue version up-to-date with the full version with a bunch of changes & fixes![/i][/h3] [h3][b]CHANGES:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Offspring-related mutations now appear less often. [*]Projectiles with homing no longer seek towards microbes/offspring that they've already hit (they'll feel better because of this change). [*][b](mutation) microbes are completely insane:[/b] Now a bit less insane (microbes won't move quite as fast). [*]Checklist, Turret & Perk menus have been expanded to show empty placeholders for future full-game content - as new game modes / turrets / perks are added to the full game, they will appear in those spots (after you meet their unlock conditions, that is). [b](NOTE: these menus will look busier now, but I felt that having all icons on-screen at once would still offer a better play experience than if I were to, for example, separate them onto different pages.)[/b] [*]Barrel Light "Cone" would practically dissappear if Accuracy was too good, but not anymore. [*][b](mutation) blank!:[/b] Now says "benign!" so as not to be confused with being an error. [*][b](turret) Maw:[/b] Eating sounds & effects! [/list] [h3][b]FIXES:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Fixed some cases where, when Range was reduced by more than 50%, it would apply an extra steep Range reduction. [*]At aspect ratios narrower than 16:9, weapon range was getting reduced - you'll now be able to play at any aspect ratio without any weird range changes. [/list]