[h3]Note to fellow archaeologists:[/h3] A trickster has hidden the jack-o'-lanterns we carved for Halloween throughout all of the excavation sites. Can you find and return them to the archaeological study? We'll happily reward you for your trouble... [hr][/hr] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/b4a8405272f1e28ab51f6986fc4b2d05236f9b22.png[/img] A special in-game event is now available in FOREWARNED for a limited time, with an unlockable [b]Anubis Mask[/b] cosmetic rewarded for successful completion. [list] [*]There are Egyptian themed jack-o'-lanterns hidden throughout each map in the areas outside of the tomb. None will be found within the tomb itself. [*]Interact with the jack-o'-lanterns you find to collect them. Note that everyone must do this if in a group. [*]This event will expire on [b]November 2nd, 11:59PM[/b] local time. [/list] [b]Good luck, and happy Halloween from the FOREWARNED team![/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/ecc70f60dd9f7ba476d384cfbfbc1e7f6539af06.png[/img]