Hey everyone! We're excited to announce that FOREWARNED's next major update, [i]Eternal Banishment[/i], will go live [b]Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 at around 1PM EST[/b]. This will be our largest update so far, introducing new game mechanics, tools, objectives, AI, puzzles, collectibles, a map and tomb variation, and so much more! While you wait, check out our new gameplay trailer that shows off some of the latest changes! [previewyoutube=sUgud-Iw8jk;full][/previewyoutube] If you haven't already, join our [url=https://discord.gg/rTurUb8gjx]Discord[/url] to stay up to date with the latest, provide your feedback, and discuss the game with others. As always, thank you for your support as we continue with FOREWARNED's development!