[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/cd71c69c8aa3fa217c55337862d14ffb34c6341c.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/6eb41c28a5d83ebf7fb76885a6e34b2a9d3acc10.png[/img] Players now have the ability to select their desired map for the team's expedition via a newly added lobby room option. A particular map can be selected, or the selection can be randomized. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/2d5b4aff08578fc29901c7a8b3aa6d7567796a08.gif[/img] [hr][/hr] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/3887e85d887acdd83fb0d7ce3c4b18b40195af8e.png[/img] [list] [*]Implemented logic that will allow players that briefly disconnect from the network to [b]reconnect[/b], letting them continue with their expedition. This new functionality will address issues such as client timeouts, server disconnects, and other network-related issues that would otherwise cause players to be sent back to the lobby area. [*]Performed thorough optimizations to the way player and Mejai animation data is sent over the network [*]Added an indicator to inform the player they have disconnected and that the game is attempting to reconnect. [*]Added an indicator next to the player’s name in the lobby to signify who is the host. [*]Added an indicator to inform a player when they have become the lobby host, such as in the case of the original host leaving the game. [*]Improved the settings UI button in the room view to a more HD icon, as well as several other general UI improvements throughout the lobby menu. [*]Fixed a case where room options could appear desynced if a player joined a room while the room’s host was in the middle of selecting a different option. [*]Fixed an issue that could cause text to wrap in room option dropdowns in certain languages, making it difficult to read. [*]Fixed an issue that could result in a “floating arm” found after someone disconnected in some cases.[/list][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/4a8c9b2260d7ca4a8a8076f8fb1f303f19ef8485.gif[/img] [hr][/hr] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/7d640dec7949808e219b26bb30eecb04c4e101c4.png[/img] [list] [*]The flashlight will no longer remain on when placed away in the inventory belt, but will automatically turn back on when re-equipped (if it was on to begin with). [*]The default light source (hard hat) has been given an increased light range per upgrade level. [*]The flashlight tool's light intensity and range have both increased per upgrade level. [*]The torch tool's natural flame expiration will last slightly longer per upgrade level. [/list] [u]Developer Note:[/u] [i]While a lit flashlight in the inventory belt has been favored by players as an additional source of light while venturing through the ruins, we feel this mechanic was ultimately used to compensate for the overall weak light coming from other light sources, especially the hard hat. Therefore, the hard hat, which is the intended passive light source, has received range buffs at all levels that will significantly improve visibility. Additionally, equipping the flashlight will now feel more rewarding with further buffs implemented to both the range and intensity of its light. Finally, a slightly longer expiration duration of the handheld torch will keep players out of the dark longer and continue to encourage the use of both the flashlight and torch interchangeably depending on the need.[/i] [hr][/hr] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40162081/c4cb071f0e9ef2b8f09972a22883787de23b23ae.png[/img] [list] [*]Fixed an issue related to Dekan where players could be incorrectly flagged as making noise when using global chat or push-to-talk, even when not speaking. [*]Fixed an issue in which Dekan's target "victim" would occasionally not clear out as a target after being killed, causing subsequent aggressions to re-target the same player regardless of who actually made noise to trigger his attack. [*]Fixed an issue where players respawning from the Blessing of Osiris could be immediately heard by Dekan if he is nearby, causing him to instantly charge at the respawned player [*]Fixed an issue where canopic jars and keys could fall out of bounds when spawning in, in rare cases. [*]Fixed an issue in which player animation would stop working [*]Fixed an issue in which improper animation states would show during certain actions (walking through quicksand, colliding with a wall, etc.) [*]Fixed an issue where player footsteps were not audible on the first round when entering the lobby [*]Fixed an issue where the metal detector’s deactivation could be delayed when putting the tool away in one’s inventory, causing unintended behavior. [*]When returning to life via Osiris' Blessing, a respawn point further from the Mejai will be prioritized for the player. This will mitigate encountering the Mejai again too soon before the player can gain their bearings. [*]Fixed an issue where loud audio would suddenly play when leaving a game. [/list]