[previewyoutube=TIi2WqQ2c8I;full][/previewyoutube] Hey everyone! We're excited to announce FOREWARNED's next major content update, [b]Spectral Awakening[/b], arrives this May! This update will be brimming with new content, with a major focus on increased scares and immersion designed to provide more engaging, unpredictable, and unique experiences during every expedition. This includes adding brand new interactions between the Mejai's spirit and players, as well as introducing a large variety of new environmental events across all tomb variations. This update will also introduce the long awaited [b]TNT[/b] item, which can be used in several exciting ways, including blasting away previously inaccessible areas of the tomb... Aside from this, there were will be additional new content, quality of life changes, fixes, and more! Check out our [url=https://trello.com/b/oKl9adCW/forewarned]Trello[/url] to see all the new content planned and join our [url=https://discord.gg/rTurUb8gjx]Discord[/url] community to keep up with the latest updates!