Hey everyone! We're happy to share that FOREWARNED's next major content update, [i]Abominations[/i], will go live [b]Monday, October 17, 2022 at around 1PM EST[/b]. This will be a massive content update, introducing a brand new Mejai, new maps, a new tomb variation, new afterlife mechanics, new ritual challenges, completely revamped phenomena, new lore, polished design, a ton of quality of life improvements, and so much more! While you wait, feel free to check out the new gameplay trailer showcasing some of what you'll discover in the update! [previewyoutube=f4rPD_ySR64;full][/previewyoutube] If you haven't already, join our [url=https://discord.gg/rTurUb8gjx]Discord[/url] to stay up to date with the latest, provide your feedback, and discuss the game with others. As always, thank you for your support as we continue with FOREWARNED's development!