[h2]Changes[/h2] • Added Japanese and Korean language support • The vision of VR players now turns black between level loads for a smoother-looking transition [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where, on rare occasions, game saves could become corrupt and players were unable to progress [*] Fixed an issue where the inner tomb timer could become desynced between different players and fire at incorrect times or prematurely [*] Fixed item collision issues that allowed players to reach areas that should be inaccessible or accessed only through normal means [*] Fixed an issue where items, including the relic, could become lost within the inner tomb relic sarcophagus’ pedestal stand when dropped [*] Fixed an issue where tooltips such as “Press E to pickup” would appear at incorrect or seemingly random times [*] Fixed an issue where VR players could pick the relic back up from the jeep after placing it [*] Fixed the radar system’s left arrow deadzone area [*] Fixed an issue where players radar arrows could show up underneath themselves for other players looking at them through a tablet or photo camera [*] Fixed an issue where, despite being in a non-US lobby, after leaving a round, the lobby would visually show as “US” [*] Fixed an issue where the radar sensor upgrades via the purchasing system would be erroneously applied to the Transmitter for French players [*] Added logic to help mitigate an issue where the “update available” message appears on the menu despite already being on the correct version of the game [*] Fixed an issue with abnormally shiny textures in the original tomb variation set [/list]