[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42848898/70b068d054dd4e8636eac026756ded45f4d6feaa.png[/img] Greetings, fans of darkness and insanity! Edge of Sanity features a deep and complex story with many small touches, increasing the tension and creating a Cthulu-inspired atmosphere. We know that English is not the native language of many Steam users, and the good news is that we finished testing the localization. The current version of the demo, 0.6.38d, now enables you to change your default language! [h2]List of available languages[/h2] The demo is now available in the following languages: [list] [*] Brazilian (Portugese) [*] Chinese (simplified) [*] Chinese (traditional) [*] English [*] French [*] German [*] Japanese [*] Korean [*] Polish [*] Russian [*] Spanish [/list] [h2]Share your feedback[/h2] While we tried our best to test all the languages, we always look forward to community feedback, so please share if you see any room for improvement or a visual bug with text in your localized version of the game. You can do it here on Steam forums or by joining our Discord. [url=https://discord.gg/vixa][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42848898/fda8f352ce8430761f15250aca2d98135e588d38.png[/img][/url] Have fun!