[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//6835324/513fc8dd9f6f74344b33507ed5ad73928ceb050c.jpg[/img] Though she may have left her old life far behind, Wigfrid still feels its echoes... and an irresistible desire to perform. Recently, she has begun honing this side of herself even further, using the power of performance to stir the hearts and minds of her audience whether it be by lifting their spirits, frightening them out of their wits, or giving them the courage to take on the world. For this venturesome Viking vocalist, all the world's a stage... and she will play her part well. Wigfrid's character refresh arrives next week - Thursday September 24th (PDT). Here are some of the details: [list][*] When in combat Wigfrid now gains Inspiration, which, as it fills her meter, allows players to use the new craftable songs. [*] Fighting stronger foes will provide more Inspiration. [*] Disengaging combat will cause the inspiration to diminish. [*] Wigfrid has a new Stagecraft crafting tab from which she can make her new songs. [*] Singing adds a buff to all players in an area around Wigfrid, which remains active as long as she keeps her inspiration level up. [*] As Wigfrid's inspiration raises, she can preform up to three abilities at a time. [*] Some abilities have an instant effect, at the cost of reducing Wigfrid's inspiration[/list] Of course as always, we will also have a new animated short and we'll add a new item to the Crystaline Collection streaming drops as well. See you next week!