Changes [list] [*] Offline skin support on Steam has been enabled as an experimental test. [list] [*] Players who fully login to the game after updating will have all of their unlocked characters, skins, cookbook recipes, and plant registry knowledge be able to be used in offline mode and offline worlds. [list] [*] Unlocking things in the cookbook and plant registry will synchronize up all pending new things with your account on your next login. [/*] [*] Be advised that if you have multiple computers with each having pending things to synchronize, will in some circumstances result in only the last synchronized computer being saved. If you do not want some cookbook recipes or plant registry knowledge being lost please make sure to sync up with your account by logging in with the game before playing offline on a different computer. [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] Currently this will be limited to the current platforms but we are looking into expanding it to the other platforms in the future, stay tuned! [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] Moleworms will no longer alert spiderwebs on the ground similar to Depths Worms. [/*] [*] Added skin tone variations to clothing skins where the underlying character’s skin is exposed. [/*] [*] Tempering Temperatures will now also thaw all nearby frozen creatures and players. [/*][/list] Bug Fixes [list] [*] Gameplay [list] [*] Horticulture book spells will now work properly at night if the charge was consumed. [/*] [*] Horticulture book spells in progress will be properly saved and loaded. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue with the Fiery Pen not saving its uses correctly when at 100% durability. [/*] [*] Added missing strings for burnt Bookcases. [/*] [*] You can no longer plant Seeds in the Soil while the Garden Digamajig is plowing. [/*] [*] Lureplants will no longer spawn at locations where they cannot also be manually planted. [/*] [*] Wortox Souls will no longer pop out of the inventory when murdering creatures in a full inventory if the Soul would compete with creature drops. [/*] [*] Fixed Polly Rogers not going away when the worn hat loses all durability. [/*] [*] Fixed Polly Rogers trying to give items to things that are not players. [/*] [*] Fixed Polly Rogers trying to flee from player controlled followers. [/*] [*] Fixed bug with Woodie’s movement speed after transforming inside a Sandstorm. [/*] [*] Fixed bug causing Cannonballs to appear unexpectedly at the center of the world. [/*] [*] Fixed bug where planting a Birchnut Sapling failed to pacify a nearby Poison Birchnut Tree. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue with crafting things to avoid drowning. [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] Art [list] [*] Fixed Wickerbottom books reading animations while mounted on a beefalo. [/*] [*] Fixed various minor skins related bugs, including missing feet! [/*] [*] Fixed Cave Hole textures being low quality. [/*] [*] Fixes the facial expression for Webber's Guest of Honor skin icon. [/*] [*] Fixed some art issues with Walter and hats. [/*] [*] Fixed Ice Flingomatic range indicator art. [/*] [*] Fixed missing minimap icon for Monkeytails. [/*] [*] Fixed various minor animation bugs. [/*] [*] Fixed art alignment for various objects and skins. [/*] [*] Fixed wrong player foley sounds for the Ruins Brick turf. [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] Crashes [list] [*] Fixed a crash related to a typo in the inventory component. [/*] [*] Fixed a crash related to the Pinchin’ Winch. [/*] [*] Fixed a crash related to the Cookie Cutter. [/*] [/list] [/*][/list]   [url=]View full update[/url]