[img=http://assets.kleicdn.com/uploads/monthly_05_2015/post-202377-0-12641400-1430512523.png]   [b]It’s June 3, and that means that all previous owners of Don’t Starve now have Don’t Starve Together![/b]   Today, we welcome 2 million new players into the Don't Starve Together community. Thank you once again to everyone who supported us on this journey. For everyone who purchased Don’t Starve, to everyone who jumped into the Frontier Pack, to everyone who told their friends about our little game -- thank you!    Over the last 6+ months, we’ve been [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/forum/72-dont-starve-together-beta-developer-log/]updating the game[/url] at a [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/54720-dst-updates-4232015-622015/]furious pace[/url], and all the while, we’ve been upgrading our backend to get ready for bigger load. Since our Early Access launch in December, we’ve added new creatures, integrated the Reign of Giants DLC for free, created new games modes, added significant improvements to modding, and in general made over 50 significant updates to the game. While we’re not yet done (see below!) we feel players have waited long enough.   And on the note of new updates, today we are releasing an update to Willow. Full update notes will be available later today, but suffice it to say that she has been reunited with an old friend.   [img=http://assets.kleicdn.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-1-0-39025300-1433292588.png]   [h1][b]What’s Next?[/b][/h1] As we discussed previously, Caves has been a huge technical challenge for us, because each cave is implemented as a whole new world in single player. We are now actively working on adapting caves into DST, and we’ll update you as we know more. Please understand that this may take some time as we do some experimentation.   Alright, that’s it for now. Below is a F.A.Q., but if you have any other questions, let us know! Thanks again for sticking with us. We really appreciate it.   [h1][b]F.A.Q.[/b][/h1]   [b]Is Early-Access over now?[/b] We are not out of Early-Access yet. There are a few reasons for this, mainly because we decided to add many more features to the game such as the addition of Reign of Giants DLC content and additional new features specifically made for multiplayer. [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/[/url]   [b]When is the end of Early-Access?[/b] We do not have a current date for the end of Early-Access. When we have a solid date, we will make sure we announce it here. [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/[/url]   [b]Who got Don't Starve Together for Free?[/b] Don't Starve Together was added to the original purchase of Don't Starve. This means, that if you purchased Don't Starve at any time before June 3rd, Don't Starve Together is included with your purchase. If you purchased Don't Starve Together separately before June 3rd, you were given an extra copy of DST at that time, and you will not be given another key for Don't Starve Together. [url=]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/54719-welcome-to-dont-starve-together/[/url]   [b]What if I bought Don't Starve before June, 3rd and haven't used my key yet?[/b] If you purchased Don't Starve on the Humble Store, or through our website and never used your steam key, just head over to steam and once you activate your key, you will find both Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together in your library. If you bought Don't Starve on gog.com, send us an email with the key you got from gog.com and we will give you a steam key. [url=http://support.kleientertainment.com/]http://support.kleientertainment.com/[/url] [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/54719-welcome-to-dont-starve-together/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/54719-welcome-to-dont-starve-together/[/url]   [b]Is Don't Starve done now?[/b] Nope!   [b]What's in Don't Starve Together?[/b] Don't Starve Together has almost everything from Don't Starve, including Content from the Reign of Giants expansion, and some extras. You can check out all our past update notes on the forum. [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/54720-dst-updates-4232015-622015/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/54720-dst-updates-4232015-622015/[/url] [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/forum/72-dont-starve-together-beta-developer-log/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/forum/72-dont-starve-together-beta-developer-log/[/url]   [b]What's missing from Don't Starve Together?[/b] Due to technical limitations that we are still smoothing out, Caves are not in DST yet. This is one of our current focuses in development right now, we should have more info on that pretty soon. We don't know what's going on with adventure mode just yet. Maxwell, Wes and Woodie are coming soon as well.   [b]What's coming for Don't Starve Together?[/b] Aside from a few things from Don't Starve, we have a few things we are cooking up. Character skins and Through the Ages are in the not so distant future. Check out these posts for more info on what we have in mind for the future of Don't Starve Together. [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/[/url]   [b]What happens if I buy Don't Starve now?[/b] If you buy Don't Starve now, you have the choice of buying just Don't Starve, or buying Don't Starve along with Don't Starve Together. Don't Starve Together is no longer being gifted to new purchases of Don't Starve.    [b]How much does it cost to get Don’t Starve / Don’t Starve Together now?[/b] The main packages available starting today is the following: [LIST] [*]Don’t Starve will continue to be $14.99[/*] [*]Don’t Starve Together will be $14.99, and include an extra giftable copy of Don’t Starve Together for your friend[/*] [*]Don’t Starve + Don’t Starve Together + a giftable copy of Don’t Starve Together will be $19.99[/*] [/LIST] [b]After June 3, will new purchases of Don’t Starve get Don’t Starve Together for free?[/b] No, we are only gifting a free copy of Don’t Starve Together on June 3rd. This means that June 2nd was the last day to qualify to receive Don’t Starve Together by purchasing Don’t Starve. After this date, there will no longer be a loyalty discount to upgrade to Don’t Starve Together as well. [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/53413-dont-starve-together-floodgates-are-opening-soon/[/url] [url=http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/46183-dont-starve-and-dont-starve-together/]http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/46183-dont-starve-and-dont-starve-together/[/url]