Keep your friends close, and your enemies the heck off your server! With Steam groups you now have more tools available to you to build and maintain communities of trusted players to play with.  As an administrator or officer of a Steam group, you can now set your Don't Starve Together Server to only allow members of your Steam group; or just associate your server with a group so other members can easily find worlds that they would like to play on.  With associated community features such as events, chat, announcements, forums and member administration; Steam groups will allow group admins, server admins and group members to hang out and have fun.   We have set up a steam group subforum on the [url=]official forums[/url] and [url=]here on steam[/url], please feel free to start up a Steam group, setup your community how you feel is best; Or, find groups that you think fit your playstyle and let us know about it! [url=][/url]