Hotfix 620060
Author: KleiFish,
published 6 months ago,
[*] Charming Salt Tin has been made slightly taller to fit the salt box profile.
[*] Followers will no longer destroy Exotic Trees.
[*] Winona’s Shadow Seeker II will now work on Big Slimy Pits in the Caves.
[*] Calibrated Perceiver will now work on most things that change prefabs when deployed or used.
[*] It should now be easier to deploy Boat Bumpers after other structures have already been placed.
[b]Bug Fixes[/b]
[*] Crab Guards and Knights improved sleep resistance also starts at 5 purple gems now.
[*] Crab King won’t wake up to the Tail o' Three Cats’ crack anymore.
[*] Fixed Crab King’s Crab Knights and Crab Guards having broken health with 0 purple gems.
[*] Fixed Crab King Mob, Tower and Ice Wall health thresholds.
[*] Fixed Crab King’s Cannon Towers shooting out visually different projectiles when they do not create leaks.
[*] Fixed Crab King’s Cannon Towers not getting reduced boat collision damage from Yellow Gems.
[*] Fixed world generation layout for repeat generations being deviant from world seed.
[*] Fixed Roses spawned by the Ancient Fuelweaver or Winona getting added to world regrowth.
[*] Fixed Mushrooms changing form by Ghosts Haunting them getting added to world regrowth.
[*] Fixed Wurt’s Armermery, Tool Shed, and Kelp Dishes having overlapping UI when opening multiple at once.
[*] Fixed crash with buffing Lunar Merm.
[*] Fixed crash when Maxwell’s Shadow Sneak trap is triggered by a Batilisk.
[*] Fixed swapping a deployable item with a regular item making the item's inventory icon invisible.
[*] Fixed Calibrated Perceiver and Blueprints not learning new recipes while under Wickerbottom’s The Everything Encyclopedia book effects.