[b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] Merm Tools can’t be used by players. [*] Bat Bat can now drain life from most things again. [*] Lowered waterproofness and removed insulation from Portasol. [*] Added new rain sounds for Portasol. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed Crab Guards and Crab Knights failing to abandon breaking ice floes. [*] Fixed the Bootleg not working with controllers. [*] Fixed bug where Winona could not Dismount from a Beefalo using controllers while holding a Portasol. [*] Fixed Winona getting wetness locked after being saved from death. [*] Fixed bug with W.I.N.bot resetting its spawn point whenever it goes offscreen. [*] Fixed bug where dismantling a Spotlight does not clear its last target. [*] Fixed bug with incorrect fuel state when Winona’s generators are used to charge WX-78. [*] Fixed bug where Wagstaff’s Cacheboxes can get stuck if you take your Inspectacles off while it’s giving out loot. [*] Fixed snow and other ground effects accumulating on Vine Bridges. [*] Fixed missing cuff symbols in the Close Examine animation. [*] Fixed a crash related to BERNIE! Shrinking size. [*] Fixed a Wortox inspection line typo. [*] Fixed Wurt’s announce line for sheltering. [*] Merms will no longer use tools (that do less damage) to fight. [*] Fixed Shoddy Tools turning invisible when floating. [*] Fixed Mutant Merm duplicating when they are attacked by their leader. [*] Fixed a second Merm spawning when a Lunar Merm reverts back to a regular Merm. [*] Fixed crash sometimes when colliding with Salt Formations. [*] Fixed irreplaceable items being destroyed by Powder Monkey raids. [*] Fixed projectiles launched from Boats having the Boat’s velocity added to them in the wrong direction. [*] Fixed entities teleported off Boats not showing up for some clients. [*] Fixed buildings being blocked from being built near things that are fading out after dying. [*] Fixed broken Hound Mounds and chopped down Driftwood blocking your path. [*] Fixed some talking animations for Wurt’s Guest of Honor and Archaic skins. [*] Fixed Crossbones Trawler skin missing part of its shadow. [*] Fixed Superior Communal Kelp Dish scrapbook picture size. [*] Fixed missing cold particles for the Robin Egg Ice Box skin. [*] Fixed glassed full moon icon art. [*] Fixed some errors in Pig and Prime Mate art. [/list] [b]Notes for Modders[/b] [list] [*] Component function sanity_replica IsSane now properly returns the result. [/list]