Changes [list] [*] Decorative flowers will not wilt in vases or end tables unless they are light producers. [*] Lunar Hail debris will no longer uproot traps. [*] Vines spawned by Wormwood’s Lunar Guardian II will no longer draw aggro to themselves. [*] All hunts that end in a dangerous spawn will now show the new footprints. The speed at which you complete the hunt will determine its outcome. [*] Idle Vargs will now wander instead of standing still. [*] Added a Setting in Advanced section for toggling Point of Interest icons. (You are still able to obtain Scrapbook entries when examining them even if the icons are disabled.) [*] Shadow Chester is now Shadow aligned. [*] Updated Chinese localization. [/list] Bug Fixes [list] [*] Fixed missing Hound eating animations in the water. [*] Fixed bug causing Possessed Varg’s Hounds to try mutating when their corpse is in the ocean. [*] Fixed the Rustic Record Spinner having a missing icon. [*] Fixed Wormwood’s Guest of Honor having a different background. [*] Fixed Cozy Wooden Chair having art going outside of lines. [*] Fixed Nouveau Amulet showing up twice on the wearer. [*] Increased the odds of hunts having another Dirt Pile if they get into small areas of land. [*] Fixed Wooden Chairs having normal skinned backs when viewing at a certain angle. [*] Fixed Wooden Chairs not highlighting the backs when viewing at a certain angle. [*] Fixed a crash with Acid Rain. [*] Added missing sounds and FX for sitting emotes. [/list] Notes for Modders [list] [*] The hunt event "spawnedforhunt" has been changed for its parameters. The action parameter is used for context on what to do. An optional score parameter is passed to see to what degree it plays a role and is scaled from 0 to 1 on how fast a player clears the hunt trail. [/list]