[h1]Changes[/h1] [list][*]Cave Spiders will no longer target monsters or Webber [*]Increased Varg health as intended for multiplayer balancing [*]Improved player animation loop while using a Wardrobe[/list] [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list][*]Fixed bug related to player profile saving default base skin selection incorrectly [*]Fixed bug when playing as random character your clothing was reset [*]Fixed bug when playing as random character and ending up as invisible Werebeaver [*]Fixed animation bug with certain eating animations for player characters [*]Fixed animation bug when attacking with Wendy and Wigfrid [*]Fixed bug where banning by user ID did not save if the player was not on the server at that time [*]Fixed bug with in game announcements not logging properly [*]Fixed issue where some mods with bad modinfo files could result in other mods failing to load as well[/list]