138664 - 6/4/2015 [H1]Changes[/H1] [list] [*]Spider Queens will stop chasing players after a certain distance [*]Butterflies can be fed while in Chester [*]Butterflies no longer are victims of wildfire [*]Birds will now fly away if they take damage from a nearby fire [*]Creatures will now wake up from sleep if they take damage from a nearby fire [*]Fire damage is now capped at 120 per second [/list] [H1]Bug Fixes[/H1] [list] [*]Fixed crash sometimes after Birchnut Tree monster transforms back into a tree [*]Fixed crash sometimes when Dragonfly flees after having spawned Lavae minions [*]Fixed Dragonfly’s normal and enraged hit ranges that were previously reversed [*]Seasonal beefalo "mood" now works as intended [*]Players will now properly show the feeding action animation on clients [*]Birds properly play the distress animation while burning [/list]