135563 - 5/6/2015 [H1]Changes[/H1] [list] [*]Traps will no longer capture dead animals [*]Rain will now stop and prevent smoldering [*]Improved Ice Flingomatic Emergency Mode fire detection [*]Improved Ice Flingomatic launch speed so that it can reach targets at its max range [/list] [H1]Bug Fixes[/H1] [list] [*]Fixed a crash when haunting a Campfire just as it is depleted [*]Fixed a crash sometimes when picking up a Bee Mine that has just been triggered [*]Fixed a crash in Houndius Shootius sometimes when seeking targets [*]Fixed a rare crash in Bearger spawner [*]Dragonfly can now recover from a failed attempt to reset [*]Hound mounds excluded from "No Giants Here" preset