Game Update 127906 - 2/23/2015 [H1]Changes[/H1] [list] [*]Sleep-inducing items now make players groggy before they get knocked out (and stay groggy for a bit after they wake up). [*]Added experimental alternate garbage collector to prevent running out of memory during worldgen. Disabled by default; and enabled with command line option ‘-alternate_gc’. [*]Added experimental threaded physics. Disabled by default; and enabled with command line option ‘-threaded_physics”. [*]Added multithreaded renderer. Disabled by default; and enabled with command line option ‘-threaded_render’. [*]Mods can now use AddModRPCHandler and SendModRPCToServer for client-to-server communication. [*]Mods can now use their own replicable components with AddReplicableComponent [*]Added support for Steam Controllers [*]Willow changes: - Willow’s fire damage reduction is now 50% (down from 100%) - Willow’s lighter now lasts for 20 clock segments (down from forever) - Willow’s lighter can now be crafted - Willow no longer lights fires when her sanity is low - Willow now takes 10% increased effects from sanity auras [*]Added “Account Info” page, which allows you to easily see your KU and generate server tokens. Found under, Play, Host Game / Account Info. [*]Characters can now be hidden from the player indicator by adding the tag "noplayerindicator". [/list] [H1]Bug Fixes[/H1] [list] [*]Beefalo herds should manage their size better and no longer take over servers. [*]Fixed a bug where controllers could not use items in their inventory to repair or refuel [*]Fixed a bug where client ghosts disappear when force inspecting during movement [*]Fixed a bug where insane players were not able to attack shadow creatures [*]Fixed a bug where mouseover text sometimes becomes offset below the cursor [*]Fixed Lua assert when a treasure chest was placed in the world without any other chests present. [/list]