[Game Hotfix] - 469733
Author: Klei-JoeW,
published 3 years ago,
Bug Fixes
[list][*] Spiders no longer return to burning or frozen dens
[*] Mutating a spider in a backpack no longer crashes the game
[*] Fixed some animation flows when feeding spiders
[*] Fixed a potential memory leak issue with the spider buffs
[*] Fixed a looping sound issue when dens burned
[*] Fixed a bug where spiders would get stuck on the wrong sleep state when dropped from the inventory
[*] Bedazzled or follower spiders no longer have a negative sanity aura on non-Webber players
[*] Players can no longer shave dead, burning or frozen spider dens
[*] Fixed a bug where Bedazzled spiders would still attack players unprovoked
[*] Fixed Webber not being faster on Webbed tiles on the client
[*] Fixed a bug where any character could pickup sleeping spiders by pressing space
[*] Fixed some missing symbols on the spiderden
[*] Webber can now eat raw meat with no penalty
[*] Fixed some symbol issues with Webber’s idle when he wore a hat
[*] Nurse spiders no longer heal dead spiders
[*] Fixed a sound issue with the Healing Glop
[*] Fixed a bug causing Malbatross to be unsummonable after reloading the world unless you went fishing.
[*] Followers will now retain their loyalty to you upon reconnecting to the world if you are close enough to them when rejoining.
[*] The Attack button will no longer target spiders as Webber.
[*] Fixed a crash when unloading mods with custom world setting groups.
[*] Fixed a bug causing modded world setting icons to not appear until you scrolled the world settings page a tiny bit.
[*] Fixed a texture issue with Silk Robes when using the pickaxe.