[list] [*] Fixed a Battle Helm crash when picking it after using the Clean Sweeper on it [*] Restored the custom sounds when Wes inflates up balloons [*] Fixed a bug that caused Wes to become invisible while miming on a beefalo. [*] Fixed Pan Flute skinning. [*] Fixed water ripples for the Inflatable Vest while it is in the ocean. [*] Added Pantomimed Oar and Driftwood Oar skins. [*] Fixed hidden Pantomimed skins when they are floating. [/list] [b]Notes for Modders:[/b] Recipes can now define "buildingstate" to specify which stategraph state the player will use when crafting that item [b]For worlds stuck in an infinite load[/b] We have identified the source of the problem and are working on a fix so it will not happen again. We also have a plan to automatically restore the worlds affected by this but it will probably not be ready until Monday. Until then, if you feel tech savvy, you can follow the [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/128589-game-update-458765/]instructions on the official forums[/url] to restore your worlds. And remember to backup your save files first. Thank you to everyone who provided bug reports on the issue.