[Game Hotfix] - 445609 & 445759
Author: Klei-JoeW,
published 3 years ago,
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[list][*] Fixed a Crabby Hermit crash on wolds that have unclaimed gifts
[*] Fixed a crash when a watering can is burnt
[*] Fixed a bug preventing the plant registry from applying your online profile data.
[*] Reduced the crafting recipe for the Cookbook
[*] Reduced the radius for the watering can’s ability to extinguish fires
[*] Beefalo no longer poop while being ridden
[*] Fixed skins issues with ugly sweaters
[list][*] The watering cans will now put out all nearby fires and be used to rejuvenate withered bushes[/list]
[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2]
[list][*] Fixed The Lord of the Fruit Flies sometimes not doing anything when spawned.
[*] Fixed the plant nutrients stress test from always passing when the ground type is not farming soil.
[*] Wormwood and Wurt no longer suffer a sanity drain for wearing wet items.
[*] Improved heavy lifting visuals for Giant Onions and Giant Corn.
[*] Fixed weighing Giant veggies not storing the heaviest veggie in your Plant Registry (Unfortunately this change is not retroactive, so you’ll need to re-weigh them for this to take effect).
[*] Fixed Esc having inconsistent behavior on the Plant Registry.
[*] Fixed unicode text not rendering correctly on some Linux computers.[/list]
[h2]Notes for Modders:[/h2]
[list][*] The finiteuses component will now add and remove the tag “usesdepleted”.
[*] The wateringcan component has been removed from the game.[/list]