Bug Fixes [list] [*] Fixed a crash searching text on Mac OS. [*] Fixed holding F to attack sometimes not working. [*] When using the controller to navigate from a container’s slot to a pinned recipe, it will now navigate to the closest pinned recipe instead of navigating to the bottom pinned recipe. [*] Restored the “Prototype” label on the crafting button when you do not have enough ingredients to craft the item. Support was added for this when using a controller. [*] Changed the background art for the equipment slots. [*] Fixed Woodie briefly turning invisible after transforming. [*] Fixed Woodie being unable to hold attack after charging in moose form. [*] Fixed Wolfgang's scaling while riding a Beefalo. [*] Fixed a crash that occurs when performing an clicked action. [*] Fixed Lazy Explorer fx when using the Clean Sweeper. [*] Fixed minor animation bugs with survivor feet. [*] Fixed various skins texture bugs. [/list] Note for modders [list] [*] If anyone is using the old hud/death_BG.tex, it had to be moved into the hud2 atlas. Sorry for any inconvenience, but we needed to make room in the primary hud texture. [/list]