Here are our most recent updates since DST caves content went live. As always, you can find all of the updates to Don't Starve Together on our forums here: [H1]158063 - 11/26/2015[/H1] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Flying creatures will no longer trigger Bee Mines and Tooth Traps [*]Relics will now turn into Broken Relics when they are being smashed, which can be repaired by players [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed crash when a player disconnects while being harassed by a Splumonkey [*]Fixed crash when a player disconnects while travelling through a Wormhole [*]Fixed crash when a player disconnects while repairing Broken clockworks [*]Fixed bug where players sometimes slide along the ground when picking Tumbleweeds [/list] [H1]157800 - 11/25/2015[/H1] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fix crash when nightmare monkeys load [*]Earthquake debris will now be removed if they fall outside the map [*]Fixed bug where Tumbleweeds may no longer spawn if too many fall into the ocean [*]Creatures that morph when haunted will no longer become homeless [*]Chat logs will now record properly on dedicated servers even when one of the shards is empty [*]Nightvision will now end properly when you drop your Moggles upon death [*]Muffled sounds will now end properly when you drop your Slurper upon death [*]Controller ground targeting will now end properly when you drop your equipment upon death [*]Fixed bug where “Herd” entities (invisible to the player) were blocking placement [*]Fixed sound effects when smashing Relics found in the Ruins [*]Fixed crash when smashing Relics with certain weapons [*]Fixed crash when smashing Relics near Abigail’s Flower [*]Fixed rare crash when a Splumonkey tries to steal your items [/list] [H1]157447 - 11/23/2015[/H1] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bug where Tumbleweeds may no longer spawn if they were burnt [*]Fixed bug where Ghosts may no longer spawn from Graves at all after a while [*]Splumonkeys will now properly save Nightmare states [*]c_listplayers() will now work correctly in dedicated server console windows even when there are no players on that shard. [*]Server browser should show correct world settings again. (Only applies to up-to-date servers.) [*]"frogs" world customization didn't do anything, renamed it "ponds" and now it controls ponds. [*]"spiders" and "ponds" world customization have been split into "spiders"/"cave_spiders" and "ponds"/"cave_ponds" to prevent the wrong prefabs from spawning in the wrong places. [*]Fixed crash from preset spinner after making custom preset. [*]Bythewaypigkingalwaysspawnsnowkthxbye. [/list] [H1]157286 - 11/20/2015[/H1] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Mushtrees will now burn down and drop loot instead of disappearing when loaded from a burning state [*]Can now control worldgenoverrides for caves creatures and objects. (Full details here.) [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed crash when digging up “Totally Normal Tree” stumps [*]Fixed a bug in saving Tumbleweeds [/list] [b]Hotfix[/b] [list] [*]Fixed crash when viewing world for other servers. [/list] [H1]157132 - 11/19/2015[/H1] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Added an official Steam Controller configuration - To access this, open Steam in Big Picture Mode with a steam controller attached. Select Don’t Starve Together -> Configure Controller -> Browse Configs. Then select the official configuration in the Recommended section. Enjoy. - The configuration maps the Steam Controller to the same layout as the XBox controller, plus using the paddle buttons as mouse wheel up and down. - If you would like to change the layout of the controller, it is recommend to use the official configuration and use the Don’t Starve Together options menu. [*]Improved mod caching functionality. Mods are now cached during the updating as well as when temporarily downloading them on joining servers. [*]The mod version_compatible specified in the mods modinfo.lua, will now allow clients to run the latest mod from the Workshop and the server be on an older version if the modder has setup the mod to be compatible between the two versions. This can be used to reduce the need for hosts/servers to be restarted with the latest version of the mod. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug in saving combat components [*]Fixed a bug in saving Moose nesting grounds [/list] [b]Hotfix[/b] [list] [*]Fixed crash when digging up Spiky Trees and Bushes [*]Fixed crash when exiting caves from a different portal than the one you entered from [*]Fixed crash when picking up a depleted Trap [/list]