[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//6835324/e3ed7b089433bd7b541f7f76844c92e242e73e77.png[/img] [b]Taking Root[/b], the first content update of the new [b]From Beyond [/b]story arc is coming next week, [b]Thursday April 27th at 10am pacific time[/b]. [h3]New Features[/h3] [list] [*] Rifts spewing lunar energy will begin to open in the world, either by defeating the Celestial Champion or by server settings. [*] The first creatures to spew forth are very interested in gardening. [*] New and powerful equipment can be crafted from these extra-planar thralls, with the right crafting station. [/list] [h3]A quick note. [/h3] As discussed in the most [url=https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/146496-dont-starve-together-roadmap-2023/]recent roadmap[/url], the new arc is focused on both endgame and early game content. Taking Root is the first major update in this arc and is mainly focused on the entry point of this new end game content. While we attempt to make sure that every major update is fun on its own (including this one), I wanted to address that this particular update won't be immediately apparent how much it will affect the overall game right away. While Taking Root introduces some new items, abilities and creatures, the full depth of how this will all play out can not be seen immediately. This means that the balance of these items are focused around upcoming content and not necessarily intended to be direct upgrades to existing content. Since the end game portion of From Beyond is being split into 3 parts, the balance is being designed with that upcoming content in mind. That doesn't mean we don't want bug reports and feedback, just that you should keep in mind that you don't have the whole picture yet, but it's still good for us to know your thoughts. Thanks to everybody for all the feedback and bug reports during the beta period. We're still working and reading so keep it coming! [h3]DS10![/h3] We'll also be celebrating 10 years of Don't Starve with some special discounts and surprises for everybody so don't miss it! We also have a new animated short, some bug fixes and balance changes, and a new streaming item "[b]The Nouveau Club[/b]" as well. See you Thursday!