Hello, everyone! Marcos here bringing another update to Dimensional Animals. This is a big one, one that I feel we can call a [b]major update,[/b] since it brings a rework to a boss in the game! Don't worry, he still has the same attacks, but they feel a little better to play against. So let's see what has been reworked on Cespuglio Bolshoi, the boss fight in Cobalt Forest: [h1]1 - Prank Attack[/h1] The attack where the screen turns black, the boss disappears, you change position and minions are spawned. My intention with this attack was always for it to feel like a prank. Since the boss shares similarities with the bush enemies from this level, I wanted one attack to have the same feel as the bushes. Some people didn't like the black screen transition, as it felt too abrupt and too untied to the boss. So I [b]changed the transition[/b] for it to look more like he is causing it. It turned out like this: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43769284/3d2d28a0a1e0573097977d550f249de4983eb034.gif[/img] [h1]2 - Biting Attack[/h1] Just a small fix on this one. This attack LOOKS like you can teleport across the boss, but you actually couldn't because his hitbox was way too big horizontally. I always had the intention of making this attack avoidable only by the duck's double jump. But seeing as the animation makes it look like you can teleport across him, I decided to allow it, by [b]decreasing the hitbox.[/b] It will also make it a little [b]easier to double jump above him![/b] Which I think is still the easiest way to avoid the attack. This is how it looks right now: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43769284/8dd1503b8a14aa0c0d5679da55003d5669441d85.gif[/img] That's all for the boss's rework! Now for another fix released on this patch: [h1]Minimap Fix[/h1] Every time you are on the same screen as a collectable, a yellow sprite will appear on your minimap location. I forgot to add some of them, though! For this reason, if you would collect something in a room that didn't have the yellow sprite in it, it would make another yellow sprite disappear! This could create a very problematic situation where you'd have the whole map explored while still missing a collectable, but without being able to see a yellow sprite pointing towards this missing collectable, making you run around the map trying to find it. This is now fixed! And that's it for this update! Hope you enjoy the changes. Thanks for playing Dimensional Animals!