June 22nd Update!
Author: Marcos,
published 4 months ago,
Hey, guys! Marcos here.
Today I bring a bug fix and a new addition to the game's exploration!
- Fixed a bug found with the yellow sprite that appears on the map, showing you where there's an item. In any room with 2 or more upgrades, if you collected some of them but not all and then died, upon returning to the room to collect the rest would cause the yellow sprite to not disappear. It's fixed now!
- And added a new map connection in Nightmare Land that allows you to climb the big falling area just before the boss fight. Once the boss is defeated, all these charge drones will be activated, allowing you to climb back upwards by using the frog skill!
Previously there were no charge drones, so the only way to go back up there was through severe backtracking. It was pretty inconvenient, but it's now fixed!
If you don't know which area I'm talking about, don't worry about it, this climb is very specific so it probably wasn't an inconvenient for you. Just know that there is one more way to navigate around this area, so it's pretty cool.
Thanks for playing Dimensional Animals!