Winter savings | Warbird Cooling | Merry Christmas
Author: OBWKB,
published 1 year ago,
[h2][b]Winter Savings[/b][/h2]
[h3]2022 DCS Winter Sale[/h3]
We are pleased to bring you the 2022 DCS World Christmas and New Year Sale. This is your chance to take advantage of the special 30% discount on DCS: AH-64D and for the first time the 50% discount will also apply to the DCS: F-16C Viper, DCS: F/A-18C Hornet, DCS: Mosquito FB IV, DCS: Mi-24P Hind, and DCS: Supercarrier. The great majority of our aircraft, maps and campaigns are available also with a 50% discount until the 8th of January 2023 at 23:59 GMT. We are pleased to be running the DCS Steam Edition Christmas Sale too!
[b]Modules with a 30% discount:[/b]
[*] DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
[*] DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironworks Simulations
[*] DCS: AV-8B Sky Warrior Campaign by Eagle86
[*] DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
[*] DCS: A-10C II Agile Spear Campaign by CombatKing Simulations
[b]Modules with a 25% discount:[/b]
[*] DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur
[*] DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon
[*] DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger633
[b]Modules not on Sale:[/b]
[*] DCS: Black Shark 3 by Eagle Dynamics
[*] DCS: Mirage F1 by Aerges
[*] DCS: MB-339 IndiaFoxEcho
[*] DCS: South Atlantic by Razbam
[*] DCS: Mad JF-17 Thunder Campaign by Stone Sky
[*] DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky
[*] DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion II Campaign by Badger633
[h2][b]Warbird Cooling[/b][/h2]
[h3]Development Report[/h3]
The various cooling systems are now better connected to the new damage model, giving new options for correct engine and systems management after being hit. For example, if one of the two radiators in the Bf-109 is punctured, it can be cut off with a special valve, and then the system can keep functioning with half the effectiveness but still pressurized. The new coolant system means that if there is a puncture towards the upper part of the coolant tank, they depressurise to atmospheric and thus with a low boiling temperature. The visual steam effect size now naturally depends on the type of leakage, either from a safety valve or from a bullet hole.
Another new feature is a new model for bulk boiling occurring when the system is depressurized, and its temperature is higher than the boiling temperature for the ambient pressure. The coolant flow now depends on the system’s temperature and pressure, the total area of all bullet holes and the ambient pressure.
A small but pleasant addition is different kinds of available coolants, from pure water to a winter type coolant with their different physical parameters.
[h2][b]Merry Christmas![/b][/h2]
[h3]DCS 2022 Christmas Sale[/h3]
Merry Christmas and best wishes for this holiday season and for the year ahead. To you and all your loved ones, thank you for your trust and ongoing support during these tough times. Rest assured that we continue working hard to meet your most demanding expectations.
We are deeply grateful to you, our Community, partners and friends for making our dreams come true.
Thank you again for your passion and support,
Merry Christmas!
[b]Eagle Dynamics[/b]