Summer Sale Started
Author: OBWKB,
published 4 years ago,
[h2]Free trial event[/h2]
Both their aircraft are available with free trial access from the 19th of June 00:00 UTC until the 25th of June 10:00 PST.
The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a two-crew, variable wing-geometry, naval air superiority fighter. It has a highly-detailed cockpit and external model that has been built using laser scanning and photogrammetry taken from real, museum F-14 Tomcats.
The AJS-37 Viggen was the backbone of the Swedish Airforce during the Cold War. It includes an advanced RM-8A jet engine modelling with thrust reverser, compressor surges and stalls. Sophisticated high-resolution air-to-ground radar technology modelling of the PS-37/A radar that uses multiple radar amplifications and filter settings, obstacle detection mode, memory mode and Air-to-Air mode. It is an excellent module with superb low-level performance and maritime strike capabilities.
For feedback and discussion please [url=]visit this thread.[/url]
[h1]Open Beta[/h1]
We are working on upgrading the schedule of DCS World Open Beta releases and the approach we use for release preparation and delivery and look forward to sharing more information with you soon.
This week we primarily pushed DCS: F-14B by Heatblur Simulations hotfixes in preparation for the free trial event.
Last week we ran into some difficulties with busy multiplayer servers in DCS World. We are aware of all these issues and are working to provide a more bug-free and reliable environment. We have also been working on virtual reality performance issues.
[h1]Sunny Side Up[/h1]
[h2]DCS World Summer Sale 2020[/h2]
As the weather heats up in the northern hemisphere, we are pleased to announce the DCS World Summer Sale 2020. For our Pilots who fly in the DCS World Steam Edition, the Summer Sale will start on the 25th of June 10:00 PST and finish on the 9th of July 10:00 PST.
The F-14 Tomcat by Healtblur Simulations will have a 17% discount. The JF-17 Thunder by Deka Ironworks will have: $15.00 USD discount on our E-shop and will receive a 20% discount on Steam.
All Campaigns by Reflected Simulations will have a 25% discount:
Spitfire LF Mk.IX The Big Show Campaign
Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign
P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign
F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign
Some exceptions from the Summer Sale include our most recent releases and Early Access Modules, which will continue to benefit from the 20% EA discount:
DCS: P-47D Thunderbolt: 20% off
DCS: The Channel: 20% off
DCS: Supercarrier: 20% off
We hope that this will be a valuable opportunity for you to add some serious stuff to your hangar and expand your knowledge of DCS World.
Check Modules
Thank you again for all your passion and support.
Kind regards,
[b]The Eagle Dynamics Team[/b]